Friday, May 10, 2024


     In an article commemorating the end of the Second World War, former Russian President Dmitri Medvedev warned the world about resurgent Naziism and its rise in the formerly-democratic Western countries. Medvedev's article came against the backdrop of the ongoing campaign in Ukraine, the Zionists' Final Solution being implemented in Palestine, and the WEF-backed suppression of Free Speech in the US and its satellite states. 

   "Nazism won’t disappear on its own and therefore needs to be eradicated – this is what Russia sees as its historical mission. Russia’s military operation and the denazification of Ukraine is only the first step towards building a new architecture of international relations, which would involve creating global instruments aiming to ensure the security and stable development of all states. Together with our colleagues and partners, we are building a new, just, and multi-polar world order in which there can be no place for pressure and oppression, the rise of some nations at the expense of others, humiliation and exploitation of entire peoples, neocolonial habits and criminal business schemes," Medvedev wrote. 

   The former Russian president alluded to the "reincarnation of Naziism" which imitates the spirit of the former ideology without its outward trappings. The new Nazi spirit is more refined and can masquerade as 'democracy' while substituting hypocritical 'woke' ideology to camouflage the more overt Racialism advocated in the past. 'National Security' has also replaced irredentism, police-state suppression, and censorship in Naziism's new form, while 'population control' is a substitute term for Eugenics and racial purification. The concept of the Master Race of old Naziism today finds its expression less in racial superiority than in economic power. The old Militarism is still present, though not infrequently disguised as internal social conflicts

    The new Nazi spirit has, since the Color Revolution which installed America's current 'Presidential Administration' been moving inexorably towards the formation of a One-Party State. There are two factions of this Uniparty, which only differ in degree of totalitarian extent and which social interest group should be favored. The Biden/Harris Junta's cynical decision to pause arms sales facilitating the Zionist Regime's extermination of the indigenous Palestinian people met with an equal burst of hypocritical outrage from the Controlled Opposition. Arkansas Senator and homicidal maniac Tom Cotton introduced another fake legal proceeding against the Junta on the grounds that Biden's decision would impede the slaughter of more people; but there were further Nazi-like actions spawned from the decision. Republican Great Poobah Mitch McConnell issued a terroristic threat of his own---signed onto by a dozen or so other RINOs against the International Criminal Court. Slimy trial lawyer Alan Dershowitz has organized a massive 'lawfare' campaign against critics of Neocon policy, as well as lobbying for federal funding to be eliminated against any educational institution deviating from the Party Line. Only a few writers have noticed that the Conservative-Industrial Complex has put far more energy into defending the Zionists than it has defending President-in-Exile Trump

    Yesterday, Neo-Fascist Senators Marcia Blackburn and Roger Marshall began pushing a Bill to designate dissidents as terrorists subjecting them to federal harassment. Tennessee Congressman Andy Ogles---who once said of the deaths of Gazan children that “I think we should kill them all, if that makes you feel better," introduced a Bill calling for the deportation of students engaged in "any unlawful activity on the campus of an institution of higher education beginning on and after October 7, 2023,” rather ominously not specifically mentioning the ongoing student protests. Sadly, the postmodern American Conservatives, for the most part, fail to see anything Nazi-like in any of this. 

    The Postmodern Conservative has developed a massive case of Cognitive Dissonance and overall breakdown of ideology which began during the Bush years, enabling them at the time to believe that shredding the Constitution was the best way of preserving it. Over the past three decades, Conservatism has degenerated to the degree that it is no longer recognizable. It's the old story rewritten. The original Nazis of the last century were nothing but a reactionary movement against Communism which advocated saving the nation from the Bolshevik threat by exceeding in its brutality and extremism the very thing that it claimed to oppose. Today's Conservatism is reactionary Neoliberalism which seeks to stop the Great Reset by co-opting it and proving that they can be as ruthless and authoritarian as postmodern Liberals, if not more so. 

   Lost in all of this is the direction that Conservatives were taking in the mid-20th Century, highlighted by the presidency of Ronald Reagan. Conservatism's goal was to bring back the Federal Government to its constitutional limitations and reform a bureaucracy which had grown arrogant and ossified since its inception under the New Deal. The Neoconservatism brought in under Bush took an entirely different approach: institutionalizing the bureaucracy as a Deep State and enshrining power for its own sake as the American Ideal. 

   In the 2010s, the Neocons' repeated failures created dissent among Conservatives, and the Republican leadership, with the help of Silicon Valley Tech Lords, created a faction within itself of so-called Neoreactionaries or the Alternative Right; much like the Neoliberal Democrats did creating a fake 'Democratic Socialist' faction of ultra-Radical Whacko Left extremists. The Republican version of this fraud is increasingly becoming more overt in its Neo-Nazi tendencies, and just as phony as its 1930s predecessors about saving the country or any other such nonsense. 

   We're not going to turn things around by substituting woke Conservatism for woke Liberalism. Under our current system of staged adversarial politics, the Corporate Oligarchs win either way and the nation as a whole loses. 





  1. Good points. I think that "Nazi spirit" you describe is just plain old fascism, something humanity has struggled against since forever. The word itself probably originated in ancient Rome. It is often attributed to far right politics and part of what motivates the reactionary left. I wish it did not carry that far right label because of course nobody ever recognizes their own fascism within their own party. A good chunk of the Left actually votes for some complete degenerates believing they are protecting us from fascism.

    A slogan I often recoil from is "strength through unity." Being aware of what darkness often hides behind that slogan helps me to not feel so bad about all our divisions and conflicts in America. As chaotic as our country sometimes appears, we do not want a one world government or a unity party.

    1. The term did originate in Rome. The 'fasces' was a ceremonial object---probably going back to when Rome was tribal---that the Roman Senate had. When a Roman Senator was going to speak during a Senate meeting, he held the fasces which symbolized his authority to do so. I think that it was also carried by a Senator's attendants when he was in a procession or some public event. We even used to have the fasces depicted on some US coins. Mussolini was the one who brought the term back to try and pretend that he was a new Caesar.

      A 'Unity Party' of any kind is usually bad news. Opposition parties is how we get changes made and keep order; that is, as long as the parties represent people and not special interests. The problem now is that we have interests powerful enough to buy both parties and they spend their time distracting the people with pointless squabbles and publicity stunts.
