Wednesday, September 11, 2024


     Last night's Big Debate probably is only going to be memorable as an example of how well the RNC Strategy of owning the Libtards by running to the Left of them; controlling the narrative; and dodging issues by appealling to the worst in human nature actually works in reality. Yes, there were some issues discussed: Trump promised to end inflation and stop the war in Ukraine---without explaining how he was going to accomplish any of that. He did also promise not to allow an Abortion Ban to happen: after all, what are Pro-Life voters going to do? Vote for Kamala? 

    There were some highlights from the Big Dance illustrating more the Republican Party's problems than anything else.

     Despite Controlled Opposition posturing as the 'anti-war' party, Kamala stated that she would seek a cease-fire in Gaza, to which Trump replied: "The Democrats hate Israel! The war would never have started if I were President! If she is President, Israel will not exist in two years!"

    Even though the Republicans dropped issues like balancing the federal budget, support for small businesses, and curbing government spending from their Convention Platform, Trump attacked Kamala as a 'Marxist' who didn't have a plan. When asked about his own plan, Trump said that he wouldn't have one until after he was elected.

   As if things couldn't get worse: Trump repeated the fake news about immigrant invaders overrunning Ohio and eating people's dogs, which led to this memorable exchange:

    Kamala: "The Springfield City Manager says there is nobody eating dogs."

    Trump: "They're saying it!"

    Kamala: "Who is saying it."

    Trump: "It's on TV!" 

      The RNC's owner, globalist techno-fascist Elon Musk immediately warned that his lucrative contracts with NASA were in jeopardy if Kamala wins, and chimped out at Taylor Swift to boot. All of this is really going to help.

     I don't know what to say other than I told you so. This is what happens when a Party throws its base under the bus; tries to run a campaign with advertising gurus; and imagines that the Frat Boys and would-be Alphas are secretly admired for their presumed superiority. 

    Conservatives should start reflecting a little more on our own national history and note that the presidents elected by wide margins: Washington, Jackson, Lincoln, Roosevelt, Reagan---didn't win because they drove a Bugatti and everyone thought of them as manly Alpha leaders. They won because they admitted that there were serious national problems that needed to be addressed and had people committed to fixing them on their campaigns. To them, winning wasn't a goal in itself: solving the problems that faced us as a nation was. It wasn't about selling a narrative; it was about getting results. Until we on the Right start facing that fact, we're going to continue to lose and no amount of Madison Avenue spin or Social Media is going to change that. 





  1. Well said! You nailed it. I'm hopeful that Kamala's smirky, middle school mean girl act will backfire on her. I certainly did not enjoy her dripping condescension. Those moderators were just atrocious. For a 3 on one fight, I thought Trump did fairly well.

    That said, Kamala clearly knows the Republican or Trumpian weaknesses, the very same weaknesses some of us have desperately been trying to point out to them for several years now. She said something akin to, "unlike you, I actually care about the issues that affect Americans," and Trump promptly responded with a bunch of I statements, basically praising himself. Ego, pride, that alpha behavior is really detrimental. He should have taken his eyes off himself for a second and reacted with empathy, conjured up some sentimental emotion demonstrating he loves something other than himself.

    You have to convey you care. "Caring" is a somewhat nebulous concept, and hard to express, but Republicans are just terrible at it. I give the best among them a D+ in demonstrating their caring.

    All in good humor here but she is clearly what polite society would call an actress or an expert in hospitality and she is very, very good at it. She has managed to arrive at the top of the food chain. That doesn't make her stupid, that makes those who underestimate her stupid.

    1. Kamala always reminded me of one of those stereotypical city government bureaucrats who shows up at your home or business to 'resolve an issue.' They're trained on politely discussing with you how you're going to co-operate with them, with unspecified consequences if you don't.

      I agree that nobody really likes that type or Kamala generally; but the Republicans are coming across as worse. Kamala might be the high-school mean girl, but the other side comes across as a bunch of entitled college frat-boys.
