Saturday, September 14, 2024


      Let us see if we can figure out what is wrong with this scenario: we have a political party whose top advisor is a transhumanist immigrant from South Africa who is also a key figure in a globalist cabal. The same party's Vice-Presidential nominee was selected by a homosexual immigrant from Germany who is also a member of this global cabal. This same party openly takes money from a foreign government likewise connected to this cabal

     Now, this same party advocates a massive expansion of the Police/Surveillance State to combat what it calls an immigrant invasion. They claim that these immigrants are stealing our jobs (never mind that the same billionaires funding them have no issue with exporting American jobs, though). They accuse immigrants of poisoning our blood and subverting our culture (no problem though if they want to host homo weddings and million-dollar fundraisers). They likewise go to great lengths to profile any immigrant-related crime to push their narrative (though politically-correct crimes against immigrants are praised and promoted). They say that we need to keep all foreign workers out to keep up American wages (unless, of course, they want to work for Big Pharma or Big Tech, then they get automatic green-cards). 

       It's obvious to everyone other than True Believers what's wrong with this scenario. In fact, it underscores a problem that has plagued the so-called Conservative Movement for some time and is especially egregious in this year's election. The problem is that this movement is deeply ingrained with a two-tiered paradigm where some are considered more equal than others. In the case of immigrants, so-called Conservatives are perfectly happy to treat one group as subhumans while another group of immigrants can act with complete impunity answering neither to God nor Man. 

    What is the dividing line here? It's the fundamental belief that most of this new breed of Conservative agrees upon: Might Makes Right. This top-tier of foreign power-brokers are acceptable---in spite of the fact that they go against everything that America allegedly stands for---because they have the money (and consequently the authority) to dominate whomsoever they consider the weak. 

   Immigration is the issue where this new trend is most visible; but the same attitude permeates nearly issue that the New Right embraces. The Crony-Capitalism promoted by Neocons over the last 2-3 decades is giving rise to the acceptance of Predatory Capitalism. Neither is anything remotely resembling the Free Market principles on which our economic system has been based for over 200 years. 

   Moral rectitude is not based upon power. Religions themselves teach that Man has free-will and can choose God's Grace and do His Will because they believe that it is Right. The notion of a capricious. authoritarian god who demands obedience just because He can is one typically imposed upon people by religious functionaries in the service of equally capricious and authoritarian governments. That mythos was exploded in the 17th and 18th Centuries, but is making a comeback through the mass-marketing propaganda of Megachurches and Silicon Valley billionaires in sympathy with the Great Reset agenda. 

   As is typical of these kinds of utopian movements, the New Right projects its own vices onto their enemies; hence their continual portrayal of the Democrats as Marxist Communists when in reality Communism advocated the same kind of economic concentration and intolerance of dissent that the New Right does. It's obvious, based upon their blatant double-standards, that their crusade against immigrant invaders is nothing but psychological projection as well. 

    The American Left is blind to this because the Left is obsessed with Identity Politics and mostly driven by self-hating Whites who see racism in everything. of course, this is projection too of their own racism: it never occurs to these people that the woke, inclusive billionaires they support are mostly White predatory Oligarchs who have no problem with imposing eugenic and exploitative economic on developing countries. In fact, that's what has led to the influx of Haitian refugees at the center of the controversy in Ohio. In the last 30 years, the US has sponsored at least three regime-changes in Haiti, flooded the country with corrupt NGOs and predatory Wall Street corporations and even recently imported foreign mercenaries to keep the Haitian populace in check. 

    While there certainly is no shortage of racism among the rank-and-file of the New Right---the whole controversy over the Haitian immigrants in Springfield was instigated by Neo-Nazis after all---racism is not what is driving the anti-immigrant rampage. The Cult of the New Superman genuinely is colorblind: it's based solely on the personal power of anyone who has the ability to exercise it. 

   We mentioned above the subject of free will and as we can see, the New Right represents a perversion of that concept. A will to power is inherent in every man; but in Civilized societies, this is sublimated by the concept that we are all equal in the sight of God and therefore, equal members of a given social order. The New Right predicates the Will to Power and the Will of God as the same things. It reminds one of the statement of serial killer Samuel Little who opined before he died that God gave him the strength to kill, so He must have approved of what Little was doing. Little even justified what he was doing on the grounds that he was only killing sinful women who would have committed more crimes and so he was saving them from themselves. He expressed perfect confidence to an interviewer that he would meet them all soon in Heaven where they would express their gratitude and be part of his harem in the Afterlife. While I don't doubt that Little received an appropriate reward for his actions on this earth, I'm somewhat inclined to believe that the reality didn't meet his expectations.

     Granted, Samuel Little was an inhuman beast, but when we think about it---what are we hearing from the politicians and the pundits on the New Right? We're hearing basically that the vulnerable deserve to die; whether it's innocent women and children being slaughtered in Palestine and East Ukraine; or immigrants turned into the rivers and seas to drown; and the endless talk on social media about the hecatombs of destruction that they hope to wreak on their perceived enemies. 

    American leadership of an earlier era understood that Power was a responsibility: a trust given to them by God and by the People and they would have to account to both in how they employed it. Power for the sake of Power is a form of neurosis and is always based in ethical Egoism (or psychological Narcissism) however much its adherents subordinate themselves to the Will of a leader or a movement. The fact that it happens in a crowd (i.e. the New Right) or an individual (i.e. someone like Samuel Little) the dynamic is the same. It amounts to personal gain at the sacrifice of one's humanity.



  1. That was thought provoking and well said. You nailed it here, "a two-tiered paradigm where some are considered more equal than others." I especially appreciate this point, "Moral rectitude is not based upon power."

    So the Left also operates under the notion that "some are more equal then others" they just keep their mouths shut about it. They don't publicly preach about it as the Right does, because that would be stupid. In practice however, they tend to be a whole lot more exclusive, oppressive, and dehumanizing.

    These negative aspects of human behavior are part of the reason why it is so important to follow the rule of law, to honor our
    Constitution and our system of checks and balances.

    1. I'm certainly not arguing that the Left is some paragon of civic virtue, it's troubling though how 'our side' seems to want to mimic and go further than they do. I read some of their sites too; it's amazing how many on the Left actually complain that the Democrats are behaving too much like Republicans! It seems like the GOP strategists have gotten so cynical that they think that Americans really want the Left but are only disgusted with the Virtue-Signalling.
