Monday, September 9, 2024


      So today the entire Prozac Nation is waiting in breathless anticipation of tomorrow night's Big Event in Philadelphia where the fate of Our Democracy and Western Civilization hangs in the balance. Hollywood production managers are busily setting the stage; Madison Avenue shylocks are preparing the scripts and the subsequent narratives; the Plutocrats financing both campaigns watching on the Big Screen at their cocktail parties nodding in satisfaction: we're speaking, of course, of the Great Debate of 2024. Orange Man and Cackling Kamala are in their respective corners: so far we haven't heard whether it will be on Pay-Per-View or have live call-in polls or multi-million dollar commercial slots. The debates aren't quite up to the levels of the Super Bowl or the season finale of Love Island, but they're getting there. There's also still no word on who Taylor Swift endorses. 

     It's rather pointless to go into the trash-talk and who owns who going on at all levels of the Media, and that includes the 'journalists,' 'pundits,' and 'analysts' who are doing the same thing but pretending it's high-brow, deep intellectual discourse. This whole fake 'election' has been nothing but one wholly transparent Corporate lobbying campaign with the Oligarchy treating it like a sport. Wall Street and the WEF is going to win either way; this isn't about any ideology, it's about which faction is going to be a better management team and the Elites have condescended to let us Little People make the choice. It's highly reminiscent of the 2012 Campaign between Neoliberal Obama and Neoconservative Romney, with a touch of 2000 Bush vs. Gore urgency and paranoia thrown into the mix.

      In such an atmosphere, it's obvious that reasoned discussion over substantive issues is about the last thing we can expect. The last hoopla in June resulted in Wall Street simply nullifying the entire Democratic Party Primary vote and coronating a new candidate. The Controlled Opposition fumed over that; but then at their own Convention had the Oligarchs choose their Vice-President for them. 

     The Presidential Election itself makes very little difference but it generates a lot of donations and advertising revenue, as well as padding the resumes of ambitious lobbyists and campaign managers. I have predicted---and still stand by this prediction---that all of this is for show and that the Democrats are going to win in a solid wipe-out in November. Here are the reasons:

    1. The Republicans have no issues that distinguish themselves from the Democrats and they've largely alienated their Conservative base. The only support they're going to get are from hard-core Trump fans and people convinced that Kamala is the Antichrist.

   2. The Republicans are being badly beaten in nearly all contested Senate, House, and Gubernatorial races and it's likely that Democrat voters supporting one of these candidates will hold their noses and vote for Kamala.

   3. Most importantly of all, the Oligarchs are financially supporting Kamala at 2-3 times the levels of the Big Cheeses who are donating to Republicans. Some Republicans are going to win offices; but the big donations to the GOP are really just a few billionaires solidifying their based and Red Pilled credentials for future lobbying activities. 

   4. The Oligarchs wouldn't have gone to the trouble of replacing Biden if they thought that the Republicans really were a better deal. 

    In other words, the American Right has been set up to fail again. Watch for the post-debate Official Narrative to be unanimous that Kamala won; her poll numbers to shoot up; the Controlled Opposition to come up with some weak excuses; and the aforementioned Official Narrative gradually slipping into the "national consensus" mode. The whole purpose of having Elections in our Managed Democracy is to create the illusion of the puppet-government having a mandate to do what it pleases. Since our culture values illusions over reality, it's not at all a difficult thing to accomplish. 



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