Wednesday, September 4, 2024


       David O. Sacks, another of the foreign-born Silicon Valley Tech Lords now in charge of the Republican Party, took to the Controlled Opposition Media yesterday to try and sell the narrative that the New Right are the champions of Free Speech and that censorship is an idea that just started under Biden. Sacks' article has come up in a wave of hypocritical outrage following the Brazilian Supreme Court's decision to close Elon Musk's media mouthpiece and freeze his assets in that country. Conservatism, Incorporated---which had no issue doing exactly the same thing to Tik-Tok just a year ago---is foaming over Brazil's actions; even though the Brazilian case had a lot more plausible argument for foreign interference than the Tik-Tok seizure had; and largely, Musk's big ego and even bigger mouth caused the predicament he's found himself in. 

      In 2016, Obama and his henchmen staged a Color Revolution in Brazil as part of the Deep State's general asymmetrical warfare against BRICS countries. Their paid stooge was voted out of office later on, and Brazil has since stabilized. Musk was not-so-covertly promoting the ousted president on X; Brazil's legal authorities sought to prohibit this; Musk refused and now he's foaming that he, a billionaire, should be rebuffed by a foreign government. In most of the exceptional Western democracies, governments obey Plutocrats, not the other way around. 

    There certainly is room for debate over whether or not Brazil's actions were the best course; but President Lula's hiding behind the Supreme Court and claiming that his hands are legally tied is hardly a tactic that American Conservatives can condemn without looking like complete hypocrites. The near 50-year history of Roe vs. Wade and the GOP's mendacious behavior during the 2020 Election Steal are proof of that. 

    Brazilian politics aside, Sacks' own hypocrisy is displayed in his article. He starts out for example, by throwing out the pathetic Gonzalo Lira as a hero of freedom of speech; like Musk, Lira was a victim of his own stupidity moreso than any martyr for a principle, but the New Right has made him the George Floyd of their movement. Sacks complains that "Lira died in a Ukrainian prison for posting YouTube videos; and the State Department didn’t lift a finger to help," without mentioning that Lira was a citizen of Chile and that the Chilean Foreign Ministry was dealing with his case. He further asserts that "barring court intervention, TikTok will shut down in the U.S. on January 19, 2025 thanks to a new power authorized by Congress to ban websites and applications that the president determines are subject to the influence of a foreign adversary. X may not be far behind if liberal elites and deep state apparatchiks like Robert Reich and Alexander Vindman get their wish," without mentioning that this 'power' was introduced by the Republican-controlled Congress.  

        The rest of the article continues much in the same vein; Sacks and Musk though are really a pair of cyber-bullies who got a taste of their own medicine. The worrisome thing is both of these jokers are likely to get into actual positions of power if the Red Wave somehow materializes. Musk is already presuming to have the authority of the State Department (which he likely has regardless of which Party 'wins' in November). Sacks opines:

      "As this battle over free speech heats up in an election year, where do the candidates stand? Donald Trump has declared his support for free speech whereas Kamala Harris has said nothing and can be expected to continue her administration’s policy of tacit approval of creeping censorship." 

      To which we might adduce the following specimen of the Trump Campaign's commitment to Free Speech:

      “One thing I do is, any student that protests, I throw them out of the country... As soon as they hear that, they’re going to behave.

      Specimen of Conservative Tech Lords' support for Free Speech:

     "I’m just one firm doing this. When we dig deep into the dark web for your background, I’ll see you. We don’t even consider that person...If your passion for a cause is more important than your future career, go for it. I’m not saying you shouldn’t do that. I think you should think about your future. Think about your career. Think about your personal brand. Think about all the opportunities you’ll never know that you missed. You’ll never know why you didn’t get that loan, or that mortgage, or that job, or get that board seat.” 

     Of course, the Biden/Harris/Walz Junta is no friend of the First Amendment either, but I think that it would behoove Conservatives to consider very carefully what their proposed replacements intend to do.  

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