Wednesday, September 18, 2024


      Not that is going to make much difference to the effete and apathetic American voting public, but this week (so far) three of our allegedly most valuable allies, to whom both of the token political parties have committed defending with wealth-transfers and arms shipments sucked out of productive citizens for never-defined national security reasons, have engaged in blatant acts of terrorism. It's not the first time any of them have done such things, nor is the first time that our so-called free press has ignored it and spun the narrative on the Deep State's behalf.

      First, there is the neo-Nazi regime in Ukraine. On Sunday, a Ukrainian agent attempted to assassinate President Donald Trump. Since the 2014 Color Revolution, American Corporate interests have looted that country, and our Deep State has used it for a covert operations site including bioweapons research. Ukraine has been implicated in previous terrorist incidents including, but not limited to, the attempted assassination of Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico, the sabotage of the Nordstream Pipeline, and the Crocus Theater mass-shooting in Russia. 

     Then, there is Israel, a nation run by a left-wing chiliastic supremacist cult. Yesterday, the Regime set off booby-trapped electronic communications devices in Lebanon---a country with which they are not at war. 11 people were killed and over 3,000 injured including women and children. Like Ukraine, Israel has significant ties to the US Deep State. The country was founded by a terrorist organization and has engaged in terroristic acts ever since. Most recently, the Israeli Regime has been caught covertly aiding the ISIS Caliphate during its existence, as well as links to terrorist attacks on Egypt, Iraq, Iran, and possibly Turkey. 

    Today, news came out that the aforementioned booby-traps were manufactured in Taiwan. Taiwan has been a major asset in US Deep State covert operations from the time it seceded from China in 1949---even moreso this century after the loss of Hong Kong in 1999. Like the cases of both Ukraine and Israel, the Robber Barons on Wall Street own significant sectors of the Taiwanese economic infrastructure. Taiwan has been the base of covert support for Jihadist movements in Western China, Tibetan separatist movements, and facilitating the traffic of narcotics---particularly Opioids---into the US. The US has 5% of the world's population but consumes 80% of the world's opioid production, resulting in six-figure deaths every year here over the past decade.

    The same vested interests who own the governments in these de facto American colonies also own the political establishment in the United States and, by extension, the American Media. Hence, the Official Narrative is that the victims of these attacks: the Russians, the Arabs, the Chinese as well as the collateral damage among our own citizenry (who are expandable anyway) are really responsible for what happens to them. 

       As we noted in our last article relative to the US Elections, there is a firm double-standard operating throughout American domestic sociopolitics. This also true of our foreign policy. Might Makes Right underscores the whole approach taken to both domestic and foreign policy, however much moralizing pundits want to claim the opposite. Terrorism, genocide, and dictatorship are all acceptable, as well as any other crimes, so long as the operatives committing them have the power to do them and the will to carry them out. Moral justification amounts to the say-so of the Superman and nothing else.

      This orientation cuts across all levels of American society and throughout its infrastructure. The problem began in the post-war mid-20th Century. Social scientists were warning us then that there were deep issues emerging from the alienation caused by mass-marketing and mass-media, the rise of Corporatism and the corresponding lack of personal accountability, the uprooting of communities, the breakdown of the family, etc. The result was a growing focus on the self; the rise of Narcissistic Personality Disorder and a resurgence of philosophical Egoism, Pessimism, and Materialism. At the last decade of the 20th Century, it became dominant as reflected in the elevation to power of the Bush, Clinton, and Obama families---which coincided with the fall of the Iron Curtain leaving the United States as the remaining global superpower. Today, movements at the top: the Great Reset, the New World Order, and Neoliberalism generally are the outcome, while in society it is reflected in the Dark Enlightenment, neo-Christian Millenarian cults, the Alt-Right and the Alpha Red Pill Cult on one side and aggressive Scientism and various forms of Political Correctness and Cancel Culture on the other. As we've seen in this election year, the two sides and all of these disparate interest groups are coalescing into a unified ideology: which ultimately will end with Authoritarianism in some form. 

    As Conservatives, we must renounce and repudiate all of these terrorist acts committed by these thug regimes, although it doesn't appear that the Uniparty has any inclination to do that. It should remind us all that concomitant with the Might is Right philosophy that is the belief that the Ends Justify the Means; hence, in dealing with the Uniparty and its overlords we're dealing with utterly amoral elements with no regard for human life. 






  1. Greetings from Taiwan. I am sad to say that Taiwan may indeed have collaborated with the explosive pager incident, even though various prominent Taiwanese corporations have disavowed any involvement. I will try to research this. Thank you for all your blogging efforts.

    1. Thank you, we have a lot of readers in East Asia. The explosive pagers definitely did come from a Taiwanese company. However, Israel is a major exporter of communications components so it will require an investigation to see how deeply Taiwan was involved. The fact that the attacks all hit Lebanon means that the Israelis at least had to have known which specific shipment was going there from Taiwan.
