Saturday, September 7, 2024


        Looking back at the 'election' of 2020, we saw what amounted to a Color Revolution, mounted by the Corporate Elites, which replaced the President. This year, the President installed in 2020 likewise was replaced after a meeting of prominent plutocrats. So essentially, we've had two sitting presidents removed by the will---not of the people---but of financial Oligarchs. 

       Thus, we saw a meeting this week at the Economic Club of New York, at which Trump spoke and drew a standing ovation. The ECNY is headed by a collection of the self-described "brightest minds" focusing on "critical issues and pressing questions."

       Trump praised the support he'd received from his "
friends and business leaders" specifically naming five:

       Woody Johnson, of Big Pharma's Johnson & Johnson (a WEF Strategic Partner).

       Jamie Dimon, of High Finance's J.P. Morgan Chase (also a WEF Strategic Partner).

      Steven Schwarzmann of the Blackstone Group (yes, likewise a WEF Straegic Partner).

      Richard Kurtz, head of the rental property conglomerate, Kamson. 

      John Paulson, billionaire hedge fund manager and likely Trump pick for Treasury Secretary.

      Trump promised the Oligarchs that he would make “America the world capital for crypto and BitCoin,” (i.e., Central Bank Digital Currency) and announced that WEF Young Global Leader and government contractor Elon Musk would head  a “government efficiency commission tasked with conducting a complete financial and performance audit of the entire federal government and making recommendations for drastic reforms.”

     “Kamala Harris is the first major party candidate in American history who fundamentally rejects freedom and embraces Marxism, communism and fascism,” Trump declared, warning that "most pertinent to the very brilliant people in this room, she will raise your business and corporate taxes.”

     While I don't think that anyone will dispute that the Democrats reject freedom and it probably is true that the Robber Barons whom Trump was addressing are 'brilliant' compared to Kamala and her party, it's not especially consoling to imagine the Deep State being managed with Wall Street-level efficiency. If Trump had told this august group that he planned to put the lot of them in jail (where they belong) his poll numbers would skyrocket. So much for draining the swamp: the Republicans of 2024 are evolved and woke. 

    Kamala's two (known) top donors are Reid Hoffman and Michael Bloomberg, who both head WEF-connected corporations. So, evidently, we'll own nothing and be happy no matter what.

     The Controlled Opposition Media meanwile has been chortling over the announcement that Bush Jr.'s former Vice-President Dick Cheney has endorsed Kamala's campaign, doubtless hoping to deflect growing Conservative concerns about the sheer number of Bush-Machine RINOs directing the Trump Campaign. Cheney is probably angry because his daughter was purged from the ranks of True Believers earlier this year; and it's probably occurring to the octogenarian former power-broker that he---like Biden and Trump---is very much expendable in the grand scheme of the New World Order. Oh well: at least he got a federal building in Casper, Wyoming named after him

      Chris LaCivita, a former Bush Campaign manager now running the Trump operation, is certainly not above sleazy tactics like that kind of bait-and-switch narrative control. Susie Wiles, a campaign manager for Jeb Bush-owned properties Ron DeSantis and Rick Scott, is a co-chair, and Corey Lewandowski, a former lobbyist for the Neocon Koch Family recently came on board. As influencers Joe Rogan and Kyle Rittenhouse recently discovered: the management team orchestrating the Trump Campaign certainly hasn't lost any of the Bushmen's you're-for-us-or-against-us orientation; a fact underscored today by a missive circulating around the Internet:

       With all of these WEF operatives on board, and given that organization's admitted views on Freedom of Speechtransparency seems to have gone the way of swamp-draining on the New Right too. Given the current Republican Congressional leadership---and their proclivity for pushing things like suppressing protests, expanding domestic espionage, and banning whole media outlets, it's probably a good idea to be a bit skeptical about their commitment to free expression, just like the suspicious Democratic endorsements from the likes of Dick Cheney don't sound especially sincere. 

    We probably stop and reflect instead that in the last four years we've seen Globalist Oligarchs remove two sitting presidents, transfer most of the nation's wealth into their own hands, put the whole nation under Martial Law for two years, and generally act with impunity trampling down our Constitutional Rights. In countries less effete than ours, such things have led to revolutions: but here Americans prefer substituting escapism for action and denialism for critical thinking. So, for now at least, the Elites have little to fear in terms of actual consequences. 







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