Thursday, September 26, 2024


    As this year's Live-Action-Roleplay (which in other countries are serious elections) draws to a merciful conclusion, the Neocon and Wall Street frat-boys running the Republican Establishment are sliding further into Desperation Mode as the inevitability of the outcome is starting to become more and more apparent. Of the so-called Swing States, the GOP Leadership has already managed to lose New Hampshire and Virginia and now North Carolina is looking like a write-off. 

   President Trump was in that once reliably 'red' state to do damage control after the gubernatorial candidate whom he backed over several Conservative contenders has been exposed as a Neo-Nazi despite the fact that he was chosen by the woke GOP because he represented diversity. The Party Establishment knowingly hand-waved away such peccadilloes as Mark Robinson's praise for Mein Kampf, the Ku Klux Klan, and the institution of slavery, but there was a mass-resignation of staffers after it came out that Robinson also visited adult websites. Never let it be said that the RINOs don't have some principles.


   As of last July, Robinson was leading his Democrat opponent, but is now down by double-digits. His opponent is a trial lawyer who worked his way up to Attorney-General and at least, has to his credit, been a foe of Big Pharma from time to time. 

   Robinson, in contrast, was another of these online celebrities whom the Republican leadership runs with because they think people are stupid and will vote for anybody with name recognition (Larry Elder, Bruce Jenner, Herschel Walker, and Dr. Oz being other notable examples). These types invariably get wiped out every election by totally beatable candidates, but Neocons are never wrong about anything, so they keep trying it again and again.

   Robinson was a furniture factory worker in Greensboro until 2018 when a speech he gave before the City Council in favor of gun rights went viral; and in this day and age, that is about all one needs to qualify as a candidate for high office. Robinson stated that he became a 'Conservative' after reading a book by Rush Limbaugh, which likewise in these times is about as much education as one needs to be candidate as well. The rest is history or at least will be after November.

   Nobody at the top levels of the Republican Establishment has criticized Robinson in any way, although the meme-lords did counter with a sex scandal of their own involving Heels-Up Harris posing with a rap musician named P. Diddy who's embroiled in a sex soap-opera of his own. Diddy (no relation to Bo Diddley), was big on the pop charts 25-30 years ago; apparently like Bill Cosby, and O.J. Simpson he's the latest chosen human sacrifice that Hollywood occasionally makes of high-profile celebrities who no longer generate revenue for them. The only problem, though, with the Kamala expose is that it turned out to be faked.

       Oops! Oh well, we're sure that it was an honest mistake. Maybe they all look alike to the frat-boys anyway. Apparently, they all think alike too, otherwise Mark Robinson wouldn't have been the GOP gubernatorial candidate. 

      All of that aside, however, it would be interesting to hear any of the True Believers explain how this kind of behavior and these kinds of candidates help the Conservative Movement in any way, shape, or form. It's doubtful though any such explanations are forthcoming. 

1 comment:

  1. Interesting! I'm starting to feel as if 70+ year olds should not be allowed to drive around unsupervised on the internet and that would include people like President Trump. Of course I'm just dreaming, but two things are happening here. One, they can't discern a hoax, satire, or AI from reality and they don't event think to question it, and two, they genuinely believe a sex scandal carries moral weight and is somehow going to shock people.

    And lastly, they also seem to assume that every outright racist, flag waving neo nazi, pro slavery, lunkhead is just being unjustly persecuted by leftist propaganda.
