Thursday, September 19, 2024


      Elon Musk, a WEF Young Global Leader, self-appointed Internet Czar, Deep State contractor and now the unofficial CEO of Conservatism, Incorporated is in trouble again. Among Musk's other multitudinous character defects is his continual outbursts of attention-seeking and self-aggrandizement. Musk has managed to surpass even Ron DeSantis as a textbook example of Histrionic Personality Disorder: not a day goes by that Musk isn't interjecting himself into every issue that comes along.

     This time, Musk managed to get a visit from the US Secret Service---a remarkably rare event for a Wall Street Oligarch who typically operates above the law. What occasioned this was a thinly veiled threat against the Biden/Harris Administration.

     Musk is trying to palm this off as a misunderstood joke. His flying monkeys are all over social media complaining that Liberals have no sense of humor, and other such nonsense. 

     Do you suppose that Musk would have laughed it off if somebody had posted something like: "And no one is even trying to assassinate WEF Oligarchs?" or, "Say, how come these lone nut assassins never target Wall Street CEOs or Silicon Valley autocrats?" Elon would be the first one screaming to the White House for Secret Service Protection and demanding that the FBI round up anybody whom his spyware detected even snickering at such a suggestion. 

    Just for the record, it's not as though threats against Biden and Harris are uncommon. In the last year alone, the Secret Service has bagged nutcases threatening acts of violence against the duo in Michigan, Florida, and Tennessee. Of course, Musk and his cohorts aren't asking about the ties of the latest suspect targeting Trump to the Ukrainian Government.

   According to the Official Counter-Narrative, only Liberal Democrats ever encourage political violence. Just because our side does things like turning people into heroes and raising money for their legal defense for violent crimes and inciting states of emergency over fake news, why would anybody jump to the conclusion that threats from the Republican side need to be taken seriously? 

   We've seen this before: like Reverend Tim Walburg---now a US Congressman---who was just kidding about dropping atomic bombs on Palestine and Russia last Easter; or influencer Rickey Vaughn who was jailed over a harmless prank; or that the group calling itself the United States Traitor Elimination Army are only a few practical jokers. 

    Or when Republican politicians do things like dumping busloads of migrants on freezing sidewalks or watching them drown in the Rio Grande why would we assume that they had any violent intentions? Or pundits praising the genocide in Palestine and hold up butchers like Benjamin Netanyahu as a heroic political figure---why would anybody suppose that they really mean any harm?

   To underscore this point, consider that Musk isn't the only one being investigated. An official of the Libertarian Party which is embraced by the New Right posted on Musk's network on Sunday that "Anyone who murders Kamala Harris would be an American hero." Quite characteristically, they played the Victim Card when Musk's henchmen made them take down the post.

    NBC News Boston reported that "
Jeremy Kauffman, who runs the state party's account on X, responded to a request for comment on the post from NBC10 Boston Monday with an email saying, 'The Libertarian Party believes that NBC journalists are lying propagandists who would be physically removed from any decent society.' Kauffman later shared a video on X, which the party re-shared, of a short visit from two people. One identified himself as an FBI agent, who wanted to ask about a post made online. The interview was cut short as Kauffman insisted on recording the encounter."

    When the Party Leadership keeps pandering to these kinds of people, this is going to happen. Just because the Liberals do and say these kinds of things doesn't make it right for Conservatives to do it. What we should be doing is fighting for the Moral High Ground and we could start by booting Musk back over to the Democratic Party where he really belongs. 


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