Wednesday, October 10, 2018


    It's been awhile since we've had a good swamp-draining story, but the police have bagged another really bad one. In the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), of all places too. 

    Maryland authorities reported that one David Soroka---a 53 year-old NOAA meteorologist---was jailed after homosexually abusing a 13 year-old boy whom he was supposedly 'mentoring'. This unfortunate lad was kept in what Soroka himself referred to as a 'Room of Pain'. It's hardly necessary to relate here the disgusting things that happened to this unfortunate lad. But does have to wonder how many others might have been victims of this scumbag. 

     See, Soroka was hired in 1994 under the Clinton Administration's initiative to create 'diversity' by bringing more homosexuals into the government. And, of course, no co-worker would dare air his suspicions under threat of 'homophobia'. Soroka was paid $140,000 per year. 

     As for the boy, he was allowed to 'mentored' by his family. Likewise, they believed the PC propaganda that giving homosexuals access to young children is progressive and enlightened. According to the boy's testimony, Soroka would pick him up after school; take him to dinner, and off to his house for what he called 'scheduled playtime'. Imagine: if this had involved a 13 year-old girl does anyone suppose Soroka wouldn't have been put under scrutiny? But our society looks the other way when LGBTQ's are on the prowl. 

     Fortunately, our Government hasn't sunk to the point yet where outright paedophilia is considered a cultural expression for a protected class. But Soroka is representative of the kinds of creatures who formed the backbone of the Deep State for the last 30 years. This is the type of government employee that the DNC would eagerly return to power. 

     We can't let that happen. The swamp needs draining until the rest of the Sorokas are gone. 


  1. Homosexuality pedophilia is considered expression. Heterosexual acts, pedophilic or not are strongly scolded.

    1. Unfortunately, that's become the 'new normal.' It's like when the media covers a mass-shooting, they won't announce the suspect right away unless it's a White male. In these kinds of crimes, they always sweep the suspect's 'sexual preference' under the rug. I haven't any stories yet about this guy that refer to him as 'gay'.

  2. Not to take away from the creepy part of the story, but this man is married and has 2 grown daughters. He was hired not by any "diversity" mandate, but because of his degree in meteorology. The real story is creepy enough without adding extra narratives to it.

    1. I see your point. What I meant to convey was that many of his co-workers probably knew about his crimes, but were afraid of PC repercussions for saying so.
