Tuesday, October 2, 2018


      There was some surprising---albeit welcome---news to start off the month. It appears that Roosh Valizadeh's scummy Alt-RINO site Return of Kings may be out of circulation. Roosh has been pouting after Amazon banned several of his books for violating their terms of sale. Today, he announced that ROK was going on 'indefinite hiatus' because of an alleged lack of funds. Paypal banned Roosh in 2017, and, in July, they terminated relations with Freestartr, Roosh's main crowd-funding forum. 

      "I'm sure that many of you understand that we are in the early stages of a censorship wave that will sweep through society," he pontificates, "Scoundrels like myself will get banned first, then the hammer will fall on anyone who dares share the truth." The 'censored' Roosh then goes on to list two of his other websites, a Youtube channel, Soundcloud, Twitter, and Instagram where he is still active. And Amazon, incidentally, did not ban three of his other books. 

   Conservatives need to understand that the downfall of these various fringe sites has nothing to do with censorship. Even an ultra-Liberal propaganda organ like Slate admitted that Internet policy changes are affecting site traffic all across the political spectrum. The other important thing to note is that bans that have befallen many of them are entirely of their own making. Valizadeh knew full well that his books' content violated Amazon policy when he submitted them. The Daily Stormer was de-platformed because its content threatened to embroil its webhosts in active civil litigation. Alex Jones was a victim of his own stupidity. After being warned by Youtube three times that his content violated their policies, Jones' channel was suspended for 30 days---which he violated again by using proxy sites. Now he's banned from Youtube permanently: like everyone else who's done that. Vox Day was expelled from the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America after arguing---on an SFFWA public Twitter account---that he should have been awarded a Hugo for best author over N.K. Jemisin because White men are superior to Black women. 

     Back during the 1950's, William F. Buckley drove extremists out of the Conservative Movement like the Birchers and Objectivists. Both of those groups are political moderates compared to what appeared on Return of Kings. The site is blatantly anti-Semitic, overtly racist, and promoted both false and directly anti-Christian doctrines. It taught men that women were of no value other than their sexual utility to men; and encouraged men to use ruthless manipulation, instilling fear, and using violence if necessary to obtain that kind of gratification. No real Conservative believes in any of this garbage. 

      It's hard to say whether this is will be a permanent thing. Roosh has been known to throw public tantrums before; and now he's acting like a 10-year old boy running away from home, hoping we'll all beg him to come back. With any luck, he'll run into the Bermuda Triangle. But we'll see...


  1. Roosh will lose what's left of his income. He does not appear to have much cash. He is very unemployable due to his shenanigans. It's the case of not only shooting yourself in the foot but blowing off your own leg.

    1. Yes---I would agree that his future doesn't look especially bright. I have visions of him standing on a street-corner selling PUA literature.

  2. I'm pretty sure some of the symptoms of narcissism include being totally self absorbed and being really paranoid that there is a grand conspiracy out to unjustly persecute you. Americans can be very sympathetic to the underdog meme, which is a good thing if we use our heads and remember some people bring their own troubles upon themselves.

    The debate over internet free speech versus acting like a complete lunkhead, fascinates me. I don't know where you draw a line or how you enforce it. I suspect the big techie companies don't really know either. This is kind of a new frontier, uncharted territory.

    1. He is a very paranoid personality---probably subconsciously haunted by all of the women he's hurt. It's like the famous 'Dr. Mabuse' series where the ruthless arch-criminal went insane because he kept seeing the ghosts of his victims.

    2. It is crazy that he is so blind to his own flaws and can spot them in others a mile away. He and his kind expect women to flock to them and be faithful while they continue to conduct themselves as arch louts. All take, zilch give. He wrote down what he wanted in his future wife, and one thing was that she be preferably a virgin or, at worst, a woman with few sexual partners. This from a man who's had sex with who knows how many women. Practice makes perfect, and he's not perfecting fidelity.
      Any links to his site or similar ought to be automatically redirected to The Art of Manliness.
