Thursday, January 23, 2020


   Yesterday's news that Dalrock---one of the ringleaders of the Red Pill Cult---announced that his blog was closing has sent several of his acolytes into a seriously Blue Funk. As of this writing, there are about 250 of these lost souls pining away because they no longer have anyone telling them what to think and do. Dalrock hasn't deleted his site, as threatened; but today said that the sheer pathos among his flock has led him to reconsider archiving it. This isn't really surprising given an ego as massive as Dalrock's. Hearing hymns and praises to himself has been the hallmark of his blog during the last decade. 

  There are several pingbacks at his site leading to the blogsites of his lesser-known imitators. The most sycophantic of them all was written by another high-profile Game Cultist, Rollo Tomassi at the blog The Rational Male. His entire article, Exit Dalrock, reads like the lamentations of a woman whose boyfriend just terminated a long romance. 

    "I am so depressed!" Tomassi wails from the outset, "We've been together for ten years!" "I've been talking to him, trying to get a reason for his decision!" "The Blogosphere is dead and meaningless without him!" Boo-hoo-hoo, etc. 

   The histrionics aside, the Blogosphere is not dead. The fact is that Red Pill blogs are withering and dying because they don't really offer anything to men. In its heyday a few years ago, the Manosphere was a resource for Men's Rights and other issues that men actually care about. In the last few years, it's become nothing but a sludge-pit of confidence-men, bullies who abuse women, and overall a herd of racist pigs. They promote some of the most utterly absurd pseudosciences,  as well as the most idiotic conspiracy theories  imaginable. 

   All this is bad enough; but what drives normal men (and women) away from them is that it is painfully obvious that they conflate pointless violence with masculinity.  They encourage senseless violence openly; and they boast of their bloody fantasies. Even though they talk tough behind a keyboard, when called out and confronted they behave like utter poltroons. In spite of these debilities, none of them entertain the slightest doubt that they are smarter and better than other men; coveted by the most 'high-value' women and the continual targets of other men's envy. In other words, blogs like Dalrock's are disappearing because more and more men are awakening to the fact that they are mostly the work of arrogant and pretentious crackpots who talk like perverts and psychopaths, and are very likely on the local police's watchlist. 

   A man's instincts tell him that these are people to avoid; and that hobnobbing with them can't possibly lead to any good end. The way for young men who are insecure about their masculinity isn't to take some stupid 'Red Pill.' Pick a hero you admire and study him and try to imitate his virtues. That's how men have always done it, without fiddle and farce. 



  1. Ha! Well said. Poor Tomassi, he plays the world's smallest violin.

    I highly approve of your suggestion, "Pick a hero you admire and study him and try to imitate his virtues." Exactly! There are thousands, just a huge multitude of good men to emulate. Choose several of them and leave some room for Jesus. You can never go wrong when you put Him first in your life.

  2. Much rejoicing in heaven, a post sheep has come home.
