Monday, January 6, 2020


   The Supreme Dark Lord and Big Bear were throwing online tantrums today as their planned Cyberwar against those exposing them not only is bogging down, backfiring too. Owen lately has been spinning a couple of absurd conspiracy theories lately about secret bases in Antarctica and the Earth being covered with mud at the end of the Middle Ages (don't ask, I have no idea what it means). Somebody asked Vox to comment, to which he replied:

   But, Vox: wasn't it somebody inside your "immediate circle"  who exposed the Unauthorized-TV scam to Davey Crocko in the first place? And speaking of people pouncing on anything you say, wasn't it just last month that you called Nick Fuentes "a little titty-baby" and a member of La Raza? Weren't you also bragging that your own "relentless examination and highly critical analysis" was somehow responsible for Jordan Peterson's recent breakdown?

    Somehow, I don't think you're going to get too much sympathy there, Vox. And speaking of the Unauthorized-TV scam: after assuring the Bear Cult for the last month that UA's servers were independent and secure, Owen Benjamin took to the tube today complaining that "Gamma Rage Squads" got a server upon which UA was dependent to take down his stream. Hmmm....

   For those who are wondering what a 'Gamma' is, they're the bad guys in the Evo-Psych male social hierarchy that the Red Pills invented with their phony 'Game' philosophy. Women don't factor in the scheme much except as breeders for the smug supermen.

  Except for the Jungian-based archetype aspect, the idea behind Game is nothing new. It attracts two general types of men: those who hate women and revenge themselves with serial affairs (PUAs) and those who hate women and practice various types of asceticism (MGTOWs/Incels). They are simultaneously sex-negative and sex-obsessed. That may appear on the surface as a contradiction; but it isn't in reality. Sexuality is so deeply ingrained in the human psyche that the only way to repress it is to dwell upon and brood over sex continually. 

  During the 19th Century, there were similar movements with similar. Schopenhauer---a philosopher widely read by Red Pills---was a sexual libertine who developed a hatred of women after contracting syphilis. Tolstoy---who claimed that monogamy was immoral---preached a Gnostic asceticism after another life of sexual license. A lesser-known but deeply influential writer named Otto Weininger published a tome in 1904 titled Sex and Character arguing for Male Supremacy. Weininger praised the extreme asceticism of some Early Christians as a truly spiritual act and commended the pagan warrior communities, much as this idiot Bear Cultist does.

    A contemporary reviewer said of Sex and Character: "According to him, 'coitus in every case contradicts the idea of humanity,' 'Sexuality debases man, reproduction and fertility are nauseating,' 'Man is not free only because he originated in an immoral manner,' 'The renunciation, the conquest of Femininity is all that he demands,' and 'since all Femininity is immorality, women cannot become moral...', etc. These types of sentiments are virtually indistinguishable from anything the modern Red Pills write. 

  The same reviewer, a German psychologist named Probst, pointedly stated: "Very significant and influential down to the present day are the relations between religious fanaticism and sexual sentiments expressed in a belief in witchcraft. This belief, extending backwards to the most remote ages, is the principal source of all misogyny and contempt for women---a fact of which we cannot too often remind our modern misogynists; in order to make clear to them the utter stupidity, the primitiveness, and the atavistic character of their views." I would add to Dr. Probst's observations that this also accounts largely for their cultish tendencies as well. It's not a huge stretch in their flawed logic to go from women are immoral to women are tools of the Devil. 

    So despite Vox' claims that he "proves everything conclusively to himself" he's actually a complete ignoramus---on a level with Radical Feminists and Homo Rights Activists. And that downward spiral into intellectual absurdities has been reflected recently in his---and especially his followers'---recent statements questioning the narrative with some of the most barbarous and convoluted junk-science that even prehistoric cavemen would have blushed with shame for hearing:

   Well, we'll see what fun and frolic they come up with next...still no sign of warrants or legal papers, here though. 😇 


  1. *yawn*

    I hired a lawyer once for my blog (defending what I had written). I immediately got an apology from the person threatening me with legal action.

    Many internet people are full of hot air.

    Also - always wash your hands after playing with poop.

    1. Yeah---I'm not at all worried about their legal threats. But they did declare a 'no-holds barred' Cyberwar so it's a great opportunity to expose them even more and give them a sound online beat-down.

  2. I look into my crystal ball and see...

    Vox sharing a prison cell with his dad.

    Owen in a straight jacket with a hannibal lecter mask.

    And Nate wanted by the police which will result in a nation wide manhunt. He will be featured in America's Most Wanted.
