Wednesday, January 1, 2020


     Well now, we're into the first day of 2020, and the first five days since the Red Pills declared a Cyberwar on all of us Gamma Trolls who insist on exposing what he and his fellow-cultists are doing. So far things haven't been going so well for The Supreme Dark Lord and his Axis of Evil (or whatever he calls it). He spent New Year's Day giving his self-described 'Shock-troops' another pep-talk. 

    After thumping his chest and reeling off some rather dubious stats, Vox spouted:

   "The Dread Ilk are not intimidated by the challenges to come in 2020. A reader writes about the implications of Christian nationalists becoming the strong horse again...Courage, confidence, and a crusading faith in Jesus Christ is how we will move forward into 2020 and beyond. Deus vult!"

   As proof of his Manly Alpha Leadership, Teddy Spaghetti has been referencing a much-discussed incident: boasting about how he once sicced the Massachusetts State Police on a 'troll' (whom he had doxxed): a 17-year old handicapped lad who was "dragged from his grandmother's basement!" This poltroonery naturally impressed his sectaries.

44.  AkulkisDecember 27, 2019 11:26 PM
"Call the cops and tell them someone is being mean to you on the internet? Let me know how that plays out."

It's going to be funny when real cops with real badges and real guns knock on your door with warrants in hand.
   Guess what? It turns out that the story is not true. One of the Owen-hating Reddit trolls whom Vox referenced in his 'Ultimatum' actually found and interviewed the guy whom Vox claims to have had arrested. He's not disabled; nor a teenager; nor living with Grandma. 

   " I asked him directly if he was contacted by the police. His response- 'Nope.' Yama said that he hasn't followed Teddy closely, if at all, since about the turn of 2016. He had heard about recent lolsuits, but he was genuinely surprised that Ted was still telling these tall tales. 'He's still running with them?' ... When I asked him if he was familiar with the  blog post doxxing him, he replied in the affirmative and elaborated, 'Oh, yeah, apparently Vox Day, superintelligence that he is, can't detect sarcasm. And eyzwydopen is blaming me for SomethingAwful's raid on their site.'"


     The fact is that Yama had written a negative review of one of Vox' books; and being the spiteful little bully-boy that he is, Vox sicced his thugs on him. But not the police, ever. In fact, Vox has a habit of doxxing people who write negative reviews of his lame literary productions---he nearly got kicked off Amazon for that. The important thing is that if Teddy Spaghetti actually ever does sue these Redditors, these kinds of exposures are really going to come back to bite him in the butt. 



  1. Tall Tale Teddy.
    YMCA Karate Master.
    Trust Fund mid 50's manlet.
    Daddy's in jail.
    Probably hiding daddy's money in Italy.
    Bad writer.
    Praised Brevik.
    100 years ago he would have been in a straight jacket. With his delusions and jealous fits of rage.

    1. Yep. The guys at Reddit really deserve a round of applause for uncovering that story. Nobody---including myself---even thought of looking into it. It sounded so much like one of the sleazy things that Vox would actually do, that we just took it for granted that it was a true story.

    2. Much easier to be a "Supreme Dark Lord" when you can live off daddy's money.

  2. This is an interesting turn of events. If I remember correctly Vox claimed Yama trolled Vox’s blog and claimed Yama had a Facebook group where the aim was to unmask the Dread Ilk and VFM.

    Vox ordered his minions to manipulate Amazon review rankings for Roosh V’s book Bang. Vox did the same against 3 SJW authors in Operation Sinking Stone. Vox also unleashed his VFM on a reviewer named Beamer, and he wanted his/her identity and employer. This was all back in 2015.

    In 2016 Vox planned on going after Goodreads reviews. He had the VFM go to his Reddit AMA to inflate his comments number to beat Milo’s. Then there was the Hugo vote manipulation in which Vox told his cult who to vote for. Then he bragged about being a nominee.

    Everything about Teddy Spaghetti is sleight of hand and manipulation. He’s a Supreme Dark Illusionist.

  3. Night Wind,

    This is Ipse. I am the one who interviewed Yama. I don't mean to harass you; I am making the Teddy documentary and wanted to get your input on certain matters. Please email me to my research address: I would greatly appreciate it.

    Inquisitor Ipse

    1. Sent you an e-mail this evening: let me know if you received it alright.
