Saturday, July 11, 2020


   So it's nice to be back after a short break. As our country continues its death-spiral into outright Jacobin Bolshevism, it's hard for the reality to sink in that 2020 may well be the last free Summer in the United States for the foreseeable future. In some parts of the country, the Insurgents have already brought back the COVID scare to block Summertime activities. Well---except for riots which mad scientists hired by Deep State interests assure us aren't sources of transmission. 

  We watch independent businesses collapse and dough-heads strutting around in masks like a bunch of faceless NPCs. We also see Corporations and other institutions scrambling to cave in to the demands of street thugs. Tucker Carlson pointed out yesterday that the next attack is very clearly aimed at White males. Of course, White men---actually men in general---have been under attack for the last 30 or so years. But the Reverse Discrimination now is even more blatant. My intuition tells me where this all going and if the Coup is successful, the most radical Feminists and Homo Activists are going to set their sick agendas in full motion. So, if any Black guys are reading this, don't snicker about 'getting Whitey' because your heads are going to roll too. As soon as Black men's parts in the race riots have done their work, the Insurgents have no more use for you and there are already a few studies out there which ought to send some chills up Black spines.

   Reconstructing Masculinity is a major part of the Insurgents' schemes. In fact, it is central to the success of their uprising. The last few days I've been researching this issue. It's perplexed a lot of us how the Rebellion has gained the strength and public acceptance that it has with practically no resistance. Historically, it seems to be without precedent. 

    When looking back at the recent regimes we find that the leadership usually exploited an attitude already prevailing throughout the society. It's well-known that Germans had both a fear of Bolshevism and a strong anti-Semitic streak that the Nazis used. The Imperial Japanese had a hatred of Westerners. The French Jacobins and Russian Bolsheviks were mostly followed by peasants with their inbred hatred of the wealthy and aristocratic. Mussolini and Mao used some more complex social psychology but the theme was still there. The Khmer Rouge were about the closest parallel; but even the 1970s Cambodians were only similar to Postmodern Americans in their extreme paranoia, proclivity to violence, and unquestioning obedience to the most senseless laws.

   We differ from the above regimes in that we have no (visible) charismatic leader of the Revolt; and the earlier repressive movements were not hostile to their national cultures. The Rebellion of 2020 is strong not because of the strength of its ideals, it is strong because of the weakness of its opposition. In short, we are living in a culture that is committing suicide. 

   When we see on a personal level that White men account for 71% of American suicides and about half our drug and alcohol related deaths, the reason that we see such insignificant resistance to the coup becomes obvious. 

    Our culture has been failing men for the last 30 or so years. At every turn, male striving for significance and independence has been closed. Men have been declared less valuable than homosexuals. Men are discriminated against openly in marriage laws. We have all been subjected to humiliating losses of our liberties such as being denied the right to board an airplane unless we submit to being groped by some retarded TSA goon and photographed in the nude. Men go to schools and are forced to grovel before professors and teachers who despise them and force them to lie about their own cultures. Men work for companies where they're forced to accept humiliating policies. Today, we're told to cover our faces like women living under the Taliban had to; and to kneel in front of a bunch of wogs and beg forgiveness that our testicles got in the way of their feet. 


   So after years of being told that men were unnecessary, we've reached the point of do-or-die and there aren't enough men left who are willing to do. The Barbarian is at the Gate; and, to quote the film What Price Glory, all we've left to fight with is an army that's half little boys and half old men. Teenage boys inspired by Trump and their great-uncles inspired by Reagan---that's the manpower facing the most serious Rebellion against the Union since the Civil War. 

  Now this doesn't mean we've lost, but we can't deny the fact that things are looking very grim in spite of President Trump's recent morale-boosting campaigns. But to win, we have to do a few important things:

  1. Don't Fall for Fake Conservative Lies. Vox Day and other Red Pills have been lying to men and telling them that Conservatism is a philosophy that glorifies losing. They believe this because they are Gnostics and Arians who deny Divine Providence. Conservatives accept that sometimes Evil triumphs, but God's Plan is in no way affected by it. We are called to do what's right---win or lose. The Red Pills believe in winning at all costs and the ends justify the means. Holding fast to Faith is most important now.

  2. Remember that you are not alone. This is difficult because the MSM and Corporate America are aggressively shutting down any debate and trying to ferret out and persecute patriots. But they haven't shut us all down. Listen to Tucker Carlson, Mark Levin, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham. Watch them on Youtube and read the comments. There are also numerous blogs and vlogs fighting for freedom. 

  3. Don't be afraid to take a stand. 90% of the problems were having now is because too many men over the last few years preferred to fall into despair, do drugs, and drive their cars over a cliff than fighting for their freedom. But even a handful of citizens armed with nothing but Rosaries recently turned back a horde of urban savages intent on destroying the statue of St. Louis. Remember that the Insurgents are bullies. We don't need to resort to their tactics of murder and arson. We only need a few more people to start saying 'no' and the Rebellion will collapse. 

  4. Don't get distracted. The MSM and the Deep Statists have been especially pernicious in their ability to change the so-called 'narrative' on a dime. Keep in focus that everything they are promoting: impeachment, COVID restrictions, social distancing, mask-wearing, race-baiting, etc are based upon nothing but lies. For example, don't get sucked into pointless arguments about things like under what restrictions college sports should reopen. Any and all policies based upon the premise that COVID-19 is a National Emergency are shams because they are founded upon an even bigger sham. Leave it as the bottom line that the COVID Crisis is a hoax, and treat the Race/Culture War in the same spirit. 

  Keep the Faith, hold your head up if you're a man, and never apologize for it. Go forward and do what's right---that's what men have always done and always will do. 



  1. Welcome back, NW!! And although your message is more frightening than ever, we need to know and act on the moral courage you espouse!

  2. NW,

    Though it's not really mentioned in this post (only partially), by reading your previous posts I noticed that you write about the "game cult" and debunk them. I'd like to ask what's your opinion of Masculinist (link:, which appears to do something what dalrock was doing (presupposing that the myths of hypergamy, etc are true and giving it a "christian" slant)?

    1. I apologize for not getting to your comment sooner, I've been dealing with a sinus infection and just getting caught up on writing again. The Masculinist Movement has some good points. I supported much of the early MRM writers like Warren Farrell, Robert Bly, Angry Harry, and Fidelbogen. I agreed with them mostly on Fathers' Rights, opposing discrimination against men, and antifeminism. The issue I have with them mostly is that I don't believe in Male/Female Equality, in the sense that Masculinists mean it.

      I believe that men and women are spiritual equals (i.e. Children of God) but we are different on many levels. This was the order of nature so that both genders possess certain qualities and strengths that the other gender needs. This is called 'Complementarianism' and Dalrock was bitterly opposed to it. He came across largely as a Male Supremacist. Gender Supremacy along the MGTOW and 'are-men-necessary' movements I think are regressive steps in society.
