Friday, July 9, 2021


      In our last article, we were explaining that propagandists tie emotional reaction to certain symbology which, in a sense, 'hypnotizes' a targeted audience to a predetermined reaction. Dates are significant as well. Today, for example, is July 9th, and the Elites are running one of their manufactured crisis exercises, Cyber Polygon, which simulates a supply-chain collapse caused by hackers. These types of exercises are in reality war games, but the Elites present them to the public as preparedness. Cyber Polygon's chosen date was no accident. It's exactly five days between July 4th (the founding date of the American Republic) and July 14th (the founding date of the French Republic). The date was chosen as symbolic of the future termination of republican governments. This technique is based on the diagram illustrated in our previous article.

    Many wonder how such a blatantly obvious system of mass-programming could not be seen and exposed by the general public. We must bear in mind the words of French scholar Jean-Marie Domenach who observed as early as 1950 that "propaganda has become a science through certain rules and techniques." The masses don't realize---in fact, often even deny---that such manipulation is being performed upon them. The Elites near total control of mass-media and public education (along with the introduction of narcotics) has made this process in Western countries a simpler matter than it may appear on the surface. The apathy and opportunism of the political Right too has contributed to the problem significantly. 

   As part of this program of suggestion (referred to in the previous article), the scientists employed by the Elites divide the propagandizing process into two separate stages, first observed by another French sociologist, Jacques Ellul, in 1962. In the first stage is effected by "coming into contact with the masses and knowing them." The scientists send out researchers among the populace to gauge their moods, strengths, and weaknesses---all of which data is translated to how the Doctrine may be introduced. 

   Ellul says further that "the preconditions of the efficiency of the propagandistic process depends upon pre-existing attitudes, the propaganda being able to operate at first only at that level, but later using them to change them gradually; propaganda is unable by itself to reverse global trends and the sociological presuppositions of the society or the fundamental course of society’s development. There lies the need for consistency with the facts: propaganda alone is unable to be a mere display of ideas, but it is a presentation of ideas concerning the facts." And we see how the smug Elite puts this theory into practice by bolstering its message with fake 'experts' and 'settled science.' 

    As is the case with today's Cyber Polygon exercises in Davos, the Elites work out various war game scenarios designed to exploit a crisis to their advantage. Propaganda plays a huge part in this, and even Klaus Schwab admitted to doing so recently. It's commonly believed that the Elites stage false-flag events and; while this is true in some cases, the Elites get better traction by spreading fear among the populace and then exploit some event to magnify it into a full-fledged panic. Twenty years ago, we had been primed through media and infotainment to believe that a major terrorist attack would "change America forever." Then, the September 11th Attacks happened, and the Elites already had a plan in place to terrorize us even further into surrendering our freedoms en masse. More recently, the Scamdemic turned an influenza outbreak into a global pandemic for the same purpose, and through the same methods. The Elites understood through thorough research that the American public had degenerated into a society of bullies, opportunists, and drama-queens and so could easily be stampeded like cattle once the 'crisis' was presented to them. The COVID hysteria was made possible by carefully introduced fear-porn going back several decades that "we were overdue for a pandemic." 

    "In this first stage of propaganda, a picture is delineated which includes the moment of opportunity for social change, the appearance of facts and actuality, and dominant sociopolitical myths...By relating to the content learned in this pre-propaganda stage, the propagandists' message is developed into the stage of propaganda itself. The propagandic text must hold the public's attention by a 'narrative' which simultaneously expressing a topical fact while promoting the ideology of the targeted subgroup. The message must move towards the point where the final slogan is the ultimate evidence." 

   This is the point in the propaganda process represented by the second level of the diagram; and if people understood the science behind it, it's the point where propaganda can be most easily defeated. Conservative pundits get blown out at this point on a regular basis. This is because the Enemies of Liberty never lose sight of the fundamental part of the diagram: the Basic Doctrine. Once the Doctrine has moved into this second stage, the debate shifts from debating the fundamental premise to debating the program; and when Conservatives fall into that trap, the Left always wins. 

   One of the early attacks on our culture---legal abortion---was a textbook case of cunning ideology defeating a principled policy. President Ford handled it the right way after the Roe v. Wade decision by drawing a line in the sand and stating that abortion was categorically wrong and its social acceptance was not open for discussion or debate. After his electoral defeat by the Leftist Carter, pro-abortion forces gained political support and quickly moved into the Slogan Stage which framed Abortion as a women's rights issue. Ever since then, pro-Life activists have found themselves debating stupid catch-phrases like "my body, my choice" instead of questioning the core principle of whether or not legal abortion is an extremely corrosive social policy. 

    The Abortion Lobby's propaganda redefined motherhood from the protectors and nurturers of the young to indifferent slayers of the unborn. We see this schizophrenic attitude---brought about by social programming conflicting with feminine psychology---on full display today. We sometimes hear news stories of mothers who murder their children, and most women are outraged by the mothers' acts. Then they express the same degree of anger towards anyone who dares suggest that murdering the unborn ought to be illegal. Since the early 1970s, women have been so conditioned to think in slogans, symbols, and watchwords that they don't even see how contradictory their attitudes are, and even believe that pro-Life activists are a threat to themselves and their children. The psychological and physical damage that women who've had abortions typically experience is completely glossed over by the propagandists and nobody questions that it is overall "a safe and legal procedure." 

     From the abstract: "The sources of propaganda are publicity and ideology; its foundations are the myth and the lie...the newer forms of propaganda are rooted in a mythology of liberation and redemption. {nota bene} When people participate in great social movements, they imagine that their actions are battle for their own cause---an approach from which they believe that they will emerge triumphant. {nota bene} Such an identification with mythology is rooted in human nature; as for the lies, there are abundant examples in 'official narratives.' 

     "The psychological foundations of propaganda are based on the simple fact that people like to fantasize. One can fight against the lie and the myth only with solid facts. The insidiousness of modern propaganda has also broken the pillar of Reason because it has made the distinction between blatant propaganda and objective information increasingly difficult. {nota bene} Propaganda has learned to hide itself behind the appearance of provable fact. The strategists employing propaganda benefit greatly through the evasions produced by alleged 'scholars' and 'experts.' The shock of the myth substituted for natural reasoning and the repetition of meaningless slogans for argument open the mind to suggestibility."  Many of us have felt the experience of questioning our own judgement in the face of so much militant ignorance. 

     The author overlooks one important point: besides Natural Reason, Religious Faith is a major obstacle to the Elites' hopes of completely taking over the human mind. Faith is even stronger than Reason in this regard; because Faith recognizes a Higher Power Who is both the ultimate Source and Judge of right behavior. Like Satan, the Elites are envious and jealous of God and wish to appropriate His position. This is why they reflexively hate traditional religion. The man of Faith instinctively knows that the Base Doctrine is something evil, even if he doesn't understand its concept. Human Reason and Natural Philosophy arrives at the same conclusion; and its noteworthy that the Elites have made an especial point to portray both simple faith and common sense as ignorant, bigoted, unsophisticated. Academia Incorporated strongly pushes concepts like Moral Relativism, the Dialectic Method of Reasoning and application of the Delphi Technique

   The sad part of it all is that the Right saw all of this happening and gave up the fight. Since the end of the Reagan Administration, nobody has even attempted to bring public education under some kind of control. It used to be that we took courses in things like formal Logic and Rhetoric---those taught us how to think through bogus arguments like the propagandists adduce. Not only are those no longer taught, but public schools have become the worst incubators and disseminators of propaganda. 

   In the next article, we'll discuss how these tactics are synthesized to work against a population.



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