Sunday, July 11, 2021


    It's observable to many today that Internet memes have taken a prominent place in actual discourse. Really a meme is nothing but a symbol that conveys an idea---of which we've had much to say in the last two articles. Memes are usually accompanied by a picture and a statement or slogan: it's really the modern version of the editorial cartoons that used to appear in print newspapers.

   Most memes aren't very good, but one of the best IMO was the NPC Meme. It seems to have fallen out of currency recently, and we're probably the only blog of any note that still uses it. I've always liked it because it perfectly summarizes how Americans have been programmed by Leftist propaganda into unthinking automatons. That is also the reason why there was such a backlash against it: it was far too close to the truth. Critics on the Left claimed that it is "dehumanizing" which, of course, is nothing but projection since they are the ones who are dehumanizing us by turning us into NPCs with their propaganda in the first place.

     In the previous articles, we discussed how renegade scientists in the employ of power-drunk 'Elites' have developed sophisticated systems to influence the public; and that a model they employ was developed behind the Iron Curtain probably in the late 1970s to mid 1980s. The source for this is the abstract of a study that was suppressed written in the early 2010s. The techniques employed today are essentially the same; except that technology has made their ability to disseminate it much faster. This is why our culture seems to be degenerating at an exponential rate. The propagandists are taking weaknesses already inherent in our culture, playing to these worst elements in our nature, and moving them with the speed of computing technology. 

    We've shown in the previous articles how the Elites seek to condense their ideology into slogans and symbols for popular consumption; the idea being that these symbols evoke an unthinking and uncritical reaction. Part of the effectiveness of this method is that it reaches the most primitive level of the human mind. Symbols and slogans belong to a preliterate and tribalistic period of human development when such means were employed by our ancestors as means of communication. We've also shown that propagandists make a careful study of their target audience to determine collective weaknesses which can be exploited. What this evil group has essentially done is taken what our priests and pastors call temptation; analysed it, weaponized it, and turned into a systematic program. 

   The French sociologist Jean-Marie Domenach in his 1950 work La Propagade Politique identified six rules and techniques characteristic of an organized propaganda campaign:

   1. The Rule of Simplification and a Unique Enemy;

   2. The Rule of Distortion and Caricature;

   3. The Rule of Orchestrating;

   4. The Rule of Transfer;

   5. The Rule of Unanimity and Contagion;

   6. The Rule of Counter-Propaganda. 

   Domenach's list has since been appropriated by the Elites and pressed into their service. The first point we've mentioned. The Elites do not want reasoned arguments or detailed explanations, the objective is to frame the program in the most dumbed-down terms possible. Terms like "settled science" and "new normal" imply a finality; that there's no debate beyond that point. Along with this point is to frame an enemy, who likewise is defined in simplistic terms. The Junta, for example, has stated that "white racism is the greatest threat" to our culture---never, of course, explaining what that means or why or how it constitutes the 'greatest threat.' Most commonly, we see the prefix anti attached in propaganda to the manufactured enemy. "Anti-Choice" "Anti-Vax" "Climate Change Deniers" "Homophobic"; the opponents of the 'narrative' are always constructed to imply bigotry, close-mindedness, ignorance, etc. 

   Regarding the second point, Domenach writes: "The exaggeration of the news is a journalistic procedure commonly used by the partisan press, which highlights all the information that is favorable to it: even if it is a question of a phrase ventured by a politician, like the passage of an unknown plane or ship. Such a statement is transformed into threatening evidence. Another common procedure is the skillful use of quotations detached from their context." There was a time when many of us tried to warn Conservatives---and the American people in general---that repealing laws like the Fairness Doctrine, the Telecommunications Act of 1934, and the Smith-Mundt Anti-Propaganda Act of 1948 were bad ideas. Maybe now that 90% of the Mass Media is controlled by five 'woke' corporations which have incorporated propagandist techniques on behalf of Elites' agenda, they begin understand that not all private enterprise is benign and not all government regulation is bad. Maybe, but we're not holding our breath. 

   Too many on the Right believed both then and now that the Leftist takeover of the Mass Media is no big deal; just like stories of the Left's seizure of Academia met with laughter and eye-rolls. As it turns out, it was a very important thing. There is a big difference between a partisan press in a truly free market and a controlled press in a nominally free market. 

   Overwhelming control over the organs of information has made application of the 3rd Rule of Orchestration much easier. "The fundamental issues are specified each week in a memorandum from the Political Bureau, whose text is always clear and concise, developed by the entire Communist press and its speakers until it reaches the last step, at the base, where they appear on posters, petitions, oral, door-to-door propaganda, etc. This is how the great campaigns are undertaken by the Communist Party." Domenach explains. Essentially, the think-tanks and policy institutes maintained by today's global Elite follow the same procedure. "A great propaganda campaign succeeds when it expands into infinite echoes. When it succeeds, everywhere the same topic is discussed in the most diverse ways, and when it has established a true phenomenon of resonance whose rhythm can be maintained and amplified between those who started it and those whom it has affected." In other words, the creation of an 'echo chamber' is a goal to which the propagandist aspires; but they hope to make these echoes all across the social spectrum. 

   Americans are well-known for having miniscule attention-spans, and skillful manipulators know that the program, slogans, an symbols must be refreshed occasionally without ever losing sight of the Base Doctrine. "Conducting and developing a propaganda campaign requires its progression be closely monitored, and that it be continually fed with new information and slogans; later to resume it at the opportune moment in a different form while appearing as original as possible." Our culture has sunk even to the abysmal level where propagandists can completely contradict their earlier narratives and still maintain the Base Doctrine. A perfect specimen was the propaganda surrounding the 2020 'Election.' In January 2020, the propagandistic slogan was that "Trump colluded with Russia to compromise the Election." As late as October 2020, the narrative ran variously to the effect that Trump would exploit the Scamdemic to compromise the Election and remain in power. By mid-November, when the Putschists had succeeded in seizing the Government with fake Electoral returns, the narrative switched "to baseless allegations that our electoral system is comprised." And if polls are to be believed, about 75% of the Ameroboobs fell for this obvious lie. 

     Before continuing with the remaining three principles, we should pause here because no doubt the question of responsibility might have arisen in thinking minds. Given that the Elites have extensive resources and misapplied science at their disposal to manipulate, disinform, and miseducate the human mind---what does this mean for Free Will and Moral Responsibility on behalf of the public?

    Domenach gives us a clue to the answer: "It is evident, on the other hand, that to obtain this resonance the objective of the campaign must correspond to a more or less conscious desire in the spirit of the great masses." As we have shown, the propagandists seek out weaknesses to exploit. In spiritual terms, all that the propagandist actually does is take an existing sin, appeal to it, and amply and encourage it. He continues, speaking of the Fourth Rule, the rule of transfer:

    "True propagandists never believed that propaganda could be made on no basis or that they could impose any idea on the masses at any time. As a general rule, propaganda always operates on a pre-existing substrate, whether it is a national mythology or a simple complex of hatreds and prejudices." It is an unfortunate fact that propaganda works essentially by telling people what they want to hear; while excusing them for not seeing what they don't want to see. The Rule of Transfer is connecting these hatreds and prejudices to the program.

   "It would be wrong, therefore, to see in propaganda an all-powerful instrument that guides the masses in any direction. This is well known by journalists who do not offer their readers more than selected information and digested in order to reassure and affirm their convictions. All the art of the opinion newspapers consists of suggesting to the reader, through the selection and presentation of the news, arguments that serve as support for their own partisanship, and knowing how to inspire that feeling comforting that is expressed with phrases such as: "I was sure", "I had already said it", "What I would have bet ", etc." 

    "Pol Quentin, in his book on political propaganda expressed the need to draw upon preconceived and sometimes childish opinions and prejudices, of the ancestral archetypes, when he said: 'No energy, even potential, should be lost in an activity in which reaching the primordial is essential. The American School of Psychology proves, for example, that racial prejudices are firmly rooted in the individual from five years of age. A political campaign that makes instant gratification its mainspring will try to connect its new programs with the source of mental energy that constitutes that pre-existing stereotype. It will thus be benefited by a true transfusion of conviction.'"

    On a sociopolitical scale, we have thugs like Obama was, who wore the facade of diversity and inclusion and hope and change with a friendly wink and a nod that accepted all of his followers' hatreds and prejudices as long as they aligned with his. The Junta is following the same policy. Those who are "woke" are like the 'smart boys' in on the great secret concealed from the rest of us. This is evident in the condescending arrogance so characteristic of the 'woke.' They are completely the slaves of their ideology at this point. 

    The Rule of Unanimity and Contagion are staged demonstrations of mass-support for the program. The entertainment media produces comedies, music, films, etc. promoting the slogans and symbols of the Elites' agendas. The Black Lives Matter rallies of last Summer were more violent expression of this rule in action. 

    In a similar way, we see 'woke' corporations suddenly fall like dominoes into the hands of the propagandists. In 2014-15 Corporate America embraced the so-called 'Gay Agenda' en masse; while in 2020 they became crusaders against so-called 'Systemic Racism.' The simultaneous actions the Corporations, Media, 'activists', Academia, and Government take is not accidental. They are ordered to move in unison to create the illusion of overwhelming popular support. 

    The Rule of Counter-Propaganda is fairly self-explanatory without going into much technical detail. We've seen it used extensively whenever the Elites covet some foreign nation's resources to justify American military "intervention." It's often employed domestically as well---and with increasing frequency. Essentially, this rule encompasses what we call 'demonizing.' More recently, this Rule has been accompanied with increasing repression---such as suppressing opinion under the guise of "combating fake news" "stopping the spread of disinformation" "zero tolerance for hate" etc. Fake news, disinformation, and hate: these are never defined but the average Ameroboob assumes that they must be bad because the previous discussed techniques has reduced their level of critical thinking to sound-bites and buzzwords. 

    The techniques outlined by these Western scholars have been synchronized with the Communist system (described in the last two articles) by mercenary Academics into an organized method of manipulation which we will discuss further in the next installment. But recall always that Knowledge is Power. Propaganda, no matter how sophisticated, can't survive in the light of Truth. Its strength lies in the secrecy with which it is deployed. The Regime which developed the Elites' propaganda machinery came to a disastrous end itself once the people saw the truth behind the facade. We can free ourselves too, by recognizing who is pulling the wires and how. 



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