Saturday, August 31, 2024


       So Thursday night, Kamala Harris was interviewed on CNN. The Controlled Opposition has been complaining ever since that the whole thing was an 'infomercial' staged by a sympathetic media outlet---apparently forgetting that Trump did exactly the same thing on Elon Musk's network just a little over two weeks ago. As usual, it's only bad when the Democrats do itThe interview itself wasn't especially noteworthy, mostly the usual platitudes without any explanation, although, unlike Musk, CNN interviewer Dana Bash did ask about some of Kamala's policy reversals since she campaigned in 2020. 

      Meanwhile, Trump was speaking in Johnstown, Pennsylvania; somewhat ironically a town known in US history as the site where the same types of Crony Capitalists now dominating the Republican Party once caused the deaths of over 2,000 people. Trump was denouncing the Corporate Media for its sympathy for Kamala when a fanatic in the crowd lost it and attempted to attack the Press Box. The Pennsylvania Police---already under criticism for their incompetence during the July assassination attempt on Trump---vented their frustrations upon this very based and Red-Pilled acolyte and administered a well-deserved beating before dragging him from the arena. 

      Trump fans---who are these days behaving more like soccer hooligans than political activists---cheered the man as he was dragged away. 
"Is there anywhere that’s more fun to be than a Trump rally?" Trump said during the melee, "That’s okay. No, he’s on our side. We get a little, uh, itchy, don’t we? Huh, okay. No, no. He’s on our side."

      Despite the President's remarks and the crowd's reaction, the Controlled Opposition immediately spun the narrative to try and portray the attacker as a Kamala supporter who tried to attack Trump. The police have not released a motive for the attack or even the suspect's name: but in this age when the Truth is Relative, this hardly matters. 

    Shortly after the incident, Trump travelled to Florida where he claimed that Florida's already-weak abortion law as too restrictive, vowed to mandate that the Insurance Cartels fund In-Vitro Fertilization, and gave his support for a State Initiative legalizing Marijuana

   Peccadilloes like these don't influence the True Believers in the slightest; it's noteworthy that their trolls and supporters have been especially active this week pouncing upon any article even mildly critical of the direction that the so-called Party of Principle is taking. 'The Perfect is the Enemy of the Good,' they snort, as if Conservatives actually expecting their representatives. pundits, and activists not to talk and behave like the Whacko Left is some sort of unreasonable demand. 

   Like those afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome on the Left, the True Believers on the so-called 'Right' are so consumed with their hatred for the Democrats that the Republican Establishment knows that it can get away with literally saying or doing anything because no one will call them out. This is precisely what happened during the eight years of Bush/Cheney when the Neocons controlled all three branches of the Federal Government and the Conservative movement essentially imploded. 

    However, the Bush/Cheney Era is going to look mild compared what the intended Bush 3.0 under the aging figurehead Trump will look like. Consider that the New Right holds up world leaders like Argentine President Javier Milei, Zionist butcher Benjamin Netanyahu, Ukrainian dictator Voldomar Zelensky, and WEF Young Global Leader Emmanuel Macron as role models of the sort of Manly Alpha Leader that the United States needs. The praise heaped upon psychopathic State governors like Greg Abbott and Ron DeSantis and ruthless Plutocrats like Elon Musk---as well as the canonization of people like Doug Wilson, Dennis Prager, Steve Sailer, Vox Day, and Andrew Tate as archetypes of the American social conscience leaves us no doubt that the New Right fully intends to finish the job so succinctly outlined by George Bush Sr on the 11th of September, 1990

       No political or social movement founded upon 'ideals' like hatred and Supremacy is going to produce anything of any value to Humanity, and the New Right is no exception---despite however desperately the True Believers fantasize that it will. What is even more inexcusable in the New Right is that they have had three decades to observe what the New Left did to American Liberalism: turning the Democrats into an authoritarian movement. Yet, instead of countering the New Left, the New Right copied it and today we're faced with a 'choice' between varying degrees of tyranny and fanaticism. 

      In these difficult times, we must focus upon holding fast to our values and networking with others of like mind, if we're to defend ourselves from the machinations of rapacious Plutocrats and wily fanatics who won't rest content until everyone is goose-stepping to their drumbeat. Always keep in mind that the Great Reset, the Dark Enlightenment, the New World Order, or whatever label they choose for their fantasies is contrary to Nature, History, and God and ultimately will fail. 




Thursday, August 29, 2024


        Although one likely would not know this from reading the echo-chambers in the Controlled Opposition Media, this hasn't been an especially good week for what formerly was known as the Party of Principle. True, they did get an endorsement from Robert Kennedy and there has been much in the official counter-narrative to the effect that our national food supply will be safe again under a Bush 3.0 Trump Administration---although how that will happen should Bill Gates' man Doug Burgum get a Cabinet post at USDA isn't explained. Likewise, the GOP got the endorsement of another former Democrat and WEF Young Global Leader this week; and there's talk of ending military adventurism abroad---although that doesn't seem to balance with the Republican Congress' continual funding of them for the last two years or some of the Trump Campaign's recent statements. They even got the endorsement today of British Globalist Banking Cartels just today. 

     The problem, however, is that despite gathering in a number of former Democrats, former Never-Trumpers, formerly marginalized fringe groups like the Log Cabin Republicans, and various current Globalist shills, the polls are still showing Kamala taking a lead. True, Kamala Harris isn't exactly an outstanding (or even qualified) candidate: but when a campaign is run by people from the Bush Jr and Paul Ryan campaigns, it's about what we'd expect. It would seem that a better strategy might have been actually winning over Conservatives, but we digress.

    In both the Presidential and Senate races, Kamala and Trump are now either tied or Kamala is ahead in nearly every so-called 'Swing State.' Even States that Trump should, in theory, be dominating are now in play.

      The disaster is even worse in the Senate races, where Republican leads are evaporating and the GOP is consistently losing ground. Montana, a seat that the Republicans hoped to gain this year is now tied, and Democrat leads are expanding in Nevada, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and elsewhere. Even some states run by the Bush Machine are starting to look unfavorable. In Florida, RINO incumbent Rick Scott has seen a double-digit lead shrink to a statistical tie.

     However, the biggest potential downfall could be in Texas, where Ted Cruz, despite backing from the Bush Machine and billionaire Megachurch leaders, has blown a 20+ pt lead and now is statistically tied with a Democrat challenger.


        So, to try and remedy this situation, Texas Governor Greg Abbott did what he does best---engaged in another Publicity Stunt. Abbott announced this week, to great media fanfare, that he had purged Texas voter rolls of over 1 million ineligible voters. The Controlled Opposition Media has cheered that these voters were illegal immigrants hired by the Biden/Harris Junta (although why the Democrats would need to import people to cheat in Elections nobody has explained). Awkwardly enough for Abbott, though, the number of such cases amounted to 6,500 or about o.oo6% of the voters declared ineligible. The remainder were people who had died or moved, again, why nobody is asking Abbott why it took so long to address this problem; but again, this is all about symbolism over substance. 

     Kamala Harris is a candidate who shouldn't even be in the race, let alone competitive or winning---this says a lot more about the sheer incompetence of the Republican 'leadership' than anything else. Nobody is all that enthusiastic about Harris/Walz; but the lack of substantive issues and the hubristic arrogance of the Neocon Elite is telling once again. Trump currently has a 52% unfavorable rating while the GOP Congress has managed a whopping 88% disapproval rate. Abbott's spin about illegals voting isn't going to erase any of that.

    It's probably too late now; but things like standing for Conservative ideals and actually coming up with some solutions instead of trying to run to the Left of the Democrats might have given us a different outcome. As things stand right now, these numbers are not going to get any better. This is because the Republican Establishment is incapable of learning from its mistakes and thinks itself superior to average Americans. Kamala might come across as a clueless low-level bureaucrat, but people prefer even that to being asked What color is your Bugatti? when they wonder what will be done about inflation. When record numbers of people see the 'American Dream' as an unrealistic goal, it doesn't help being told that they are a bunch of jealous losers who need to work harder. When 84% of the public wants greater rights to privacy, and what the Republicans offer is banning Tik-Tok and more online surveillance, one isn't going to gain a lot of support. 

    Of course, the Madison Avenue shylocks running this campaign probably already have their Golden Parachutes and Alibi Towels prepared for when the inevitable happens in November, so they're not (unlike most Americans) overly concerned about their futures. They know how to game the system, and that attitude fools themselves more than it deceives anybody else. 

Sunday, August 25, 2024


       This weekend presidential candidate Robert Kennedy suspended his campaign and rather naively decided to endorse the Republican Establishment. The collection of Dark Enlightenment Transhumanists and Bush-Machine billionaires hoping to capture the Government with the (probably temporary) figurehead Trump no doubt were laughing in their sleeves as Kennedy accused the Democrats of being “the party of war, censorship, corruption, big pharma, big tech, big money,” as if the people he was endorsing were not. A strain of quixotic idealism seems to run in the Kennedy Family. 

      The very day of Kennedy's announcement, WEF Young Global Leader Elon Musk---who has been promised a top position in a Trump Administration---boasted on his media echo-chamber that he looked forward to implanting millions of people with AI brain chips. Did anybody stop to notice that giving Musk a position in the Federal Government might enable him to bring this idea to reality? Apparently not. The Controlled Opposition Media was occupied with more urgent news releases.

       Obtaining an AI brain implant is a voluntary procedure (for now); and Musk and other proponents claim that it will only have medicinal or technological applications. There is, of course, no talk about the potential dangers of such a technology, at least the European Union and China are taking some initiative to curb potential abuses, but we in Exceptional America prefer to act first and think later. The problem here though is that thinking later will have an algorithm programmed by Big Tech to reach our conclusions for us; and too we don't want to interfere with the free market and compromise stakeholder profit-margins.

     It's not a huge Leap of Logic to envision the 'necessity' of getting an implanted chip palmed off on the public as a national security issue. In fact, we might recall that such a plan has already been floated, and Bill Gates---who has a henchman in the Vance/Trump Campaign already lined up for a cabinet post---is already experimenting with a similar program in one of his African puppet-states.

    Musk's experiments with human subjects actually was rejected by the FDA in 2022; but in America, money talks and it was approved the following year. Ethics and safety matter little where Big Pharma and Big Tech are involved---just ask the people who took the safe and effective Loyalty Vaxx. 

      While we're on the subject of safe, legal procedures, Republican Presidential nominee Vice-Presidential candidate J.D. Vance sat down with the Corporate Media to assure Ameroboobs that his Trump's Administration would veto any attempts to impose a nationwide abortion ban. Not that the chances of a McConnell/Johnson Congress proposing such a policy is all that realistic anyway; but again, it comes down to a cost/benefit argument. 

     "Donald Trump wants to end this culture war on this particular topic." Vance incredulously argued, "If California wants to have a different abortion policy than Ohio, then California has to respect Ohio, and Ohio has to respect California.”

     Or to put it more accurately: Just because Roe vs. Wade was overturned doesn't mean that we Christian Conservatives have to sacrifice stakeholder profits from fetal tissue trafficking and the abortion mills. We've already seen that, among the Republican leadership, social issues have become a marketable commodity.

    Vance, too, is backed by WEF Young Global Leader and Techno-Fascist Peter Thiel and is himself deeply imbued with Dark Enlightenment ideology. WEF Young Global Leaders Musk, Thiel, Tulsi Gabbard, and Vivek Ramaswamy are all going to have a lot more say in a Trump Administration than Kennedy will. It stands to reason that if Kennedy's anti-Deep State stance had any chance of success, he wouldn't be suspending his campaign. 

    None of this will matter to the True Believers, though. They think that Waheguru saved Trump from an assassin's bullet and that this is part of a Divine Plan according to the Prosperity Gospel; that holding our noses and voting for Neocons magically will bring back American jobs and values; that every boy will grow up to be like Andrew Tate and all of those evil brown and yellow people abroad will learn to fear America and walk softly before our leaders' Alpha Superiority. Conservative principles? How quaint: good for speeches and Sunday Schools, but this is the real world. The real world according to our Plutocratic overlords, that is. 


Friday, August 23, 2024


        In the midst of all of the finger-pointing and hypocrisy coming out of the Uniparty's electoral spectacles, most Americans probably have forgotten (if they ever knew about it in the first place), that two American astronauts have been stranded now for two months on the International Space Station. Certainly no candidates have been talking about it, and the Media has largely ignored the story, but it has caused some discussion in the foreign press, particularly on social media

      NASA, which a few decades ago was one of the most respected government agencies, was among the many raffled off during the Bush/Clinton/Obama Era to private corporations. The Neocons argued that Space Exploration was a waste of taxpayer money and that Wall Street could run the space program for profit better. To his credit, former Vice-President Mike Pence did lead a spirited effort to change all of this, but Americans decided that having a panic attack over a flu outbreak necessitated a regime change; so we're back to business as usual. 

     Privatization (so-called) had about the effect one would have predicted: billionaires spending money on vanity projects while other countries---once decades behind us in space exploration---have caught up with us and surpassed us in many fields. The current problem began earlier this year when China announced the success of its Chang'e Lunar Probes and launched the highly advanced Chang'e-6. Politicians up for re-election began to panic and demanded that the US prove its Alpha Superiority by putting people in space again. Boeing, one of the de facto Corporate owners of NASA rushed a project to put astronauts (chosen to represent diversity of course) into space. Everybody hoped that this publicity stunt would bear fruit in the opinion polls, but unfortunately Boeing's space shuttle broke down and there's no way to get the team back---unless we ask China or Russia to do it for us. In an Election Year, that's off the table. Wall Street considers astronauts as expendable as they do politicians.

      All of this is shameful enough; but what has caused the recent controversy is the news that Elon Musk---another of NASA's de facto co-owners is assembling yet another vanity project for some his billionaire friends while our astronauts stay stranded. 

    "The mission, slated for launch on August 26, comes at a time when two astronauts aboard the International Space Station (ISS) have been stranded for months due to a malfunction in Boeing's spacecraft." China's media noted, "According to the US space news portal, American billionaire Jared Isaacman will command the Polaris Dawn mission. The mission, announced in 2022, will test new spacesuits for SpaceX during a planned two-hour spacewalk during the five-day mission, according to the Polaris Dawn will complete several orbits before raising its maximum altitude to about 1,400 kilometers - higher than any human has flown since the final Apollo mission in 1972."

     Anybody who considers this objectively would see the obvious problem here: turning our Space Program over to Wall Street Oligarchs has been a disaster. But we hardly can hope for objectivity when these same Oligarchs control entire media sectors and companies like Boeing are stuffing huge sums of lobbying cash to one party and people like Musk are funnelling millions to the other"Against such backdrop, Chinese space watchers on Wednesday criticized that US space industry saying that it has become overly driven by capital interests, neglecting fundamental astronaut safety," again stating the obvious. 

     I don't know what is going to happen to these two astronauts: they'll probably have to wait until November at least before anybody does anything. It's not fashionable in this market-driven age to claim that there really are some programs that the Government needs to run; but I also suspect that had a similar situation happenened in the mid-20th Century it wouldn't have met with this level of public and political apathy.

    Meanwhile, though, the nation will go on focusing on flame wars or scapegoating China simply for doing what we should be doing. While the Elites go on aggrandizing themselves at the expense of the nation, the only Space Program that Americans today care about is what kinds of drugs can take them into orbit. 

Wednesday, August 21, 2024


      Like every Democrat Convention that I can remember, the Corporate Media is absolutely slavish in its fawning celebrity-worship over whatever soundbites anybody reads from the script. Outside the Convention is where all the action is, the Whacko Left Wing carrying on week-long Bacchanalia, engaging in some of the most abominable spectacles. Really about the only story which was deserving of any attention were the protests by pro-Palestinian activists demanding accountability for the Biden/Harris Junta's complicity in the ongoing genocide in Gaza and Christian persecution the West Bank. The Chicago Police, however, who can't control the city's atrocious violent crime rate, were out in force to make sure that the plutocrats, politicians, and media stooges inside the venue weren't disturbed. In other words, so far it's only Liberals being themselves. 

    Critiquing the Democrat Convention isn't as easy as one would assume simply because they haven't said much of anything of any substance. They share with their 'opposition' a lack of any credibility or solutions to the problems facing America, other than to throw out a few advertising slogans. Kamala's own website doesn't mention any of her policies or to link to any; but donations---the only important factor in this 'election' to either side, are prominently solicited. Like everything else in our Postmodern Wonderland, if you can't afford it, you don't count. 

      Also like their Controlled Opposition counterparts, the DNC Platform discreetly dropped a few points typically espoused by the Liberal base, most notably no mention of support for the Palestinians, ending aid to Israel, or anything against the Military-Industrial Complex in general. Defense Contractor and WEF Strategic Partner, Palantir, CEO Alex Karp not coincidentally has come out backing Kamala this week even though he's also a hero to the Woke Right. Like WEF Young Global Leader Elon Musk, who's spent his lifetime supporting Democrats and pushing for woke policies, the Right has no problem with Karp as long as he has the money. 

     Karp co-founded Palantir with another WEF Young Global Leader, Peter Thiel, who basically hand-picked J.D. Vance as the de facto GOP Presidential candidate, so Wall Street has its bases covered in the defense sector, and apparently other sectors as well. It's rather interesting as a side note that neither Musk nor Thiel nor Karp were actually born in the US---but somehow their names never come up when discussing deporting troublesome immigrants or foreigners meddling in US politics, but we digress. 

     Palantir released a position paper coinciding with the Democrat Convention, suggesting that the US Deep State must be prepared to fight a Third World War. With Republican collusion, the Biden/Harris Junta awarded Palantir a half-billion dollar contract in May, and---also with Republican support---is about to sign mandatory draft registration (for both men and women, and xhes, of course; though certain dual-citizens will be exempt). The Deep State organ The New York Times also released a report this week that the Biden/Harris Junta quietly had approved six months ago an expansion of the US nuclear arsenal. It's noteworthy that the DNC Convention featured speakers: Biden, Obama, Hillary Clinton, who all supported interventionist military policies and highlighted Tim Walz who is said to have a military background. 

    The announcements from Palantir and the Times drew criticism from China, which has been the official scapegoat in all of these wealth-transfer schemes. Mao Ning, spokeswoman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry said:

    "The US has called China a nuclear threat and used it as a convenient pretext for the US to shirk its obligation of nuclear disarmament, expand its own nuclear arsenal and seek absolute strategic predominance. The size of China's nuclear arsenal is not on the same level with the US. China follows a policy of 'no first use' of nuclear weapons and always keeps its nuclear capabilities at the minimum level required by national security. We have no intention to engage in any form of arms race with others.

  "In contrast, the US sits on the largest and most advanced nuclear arsenal in the world. Even so, it clings to a first-use nuclear deterrence policy, and has invested heavily to upgrade its nuclear triad and blatantly devised nuclear deterrence strategies against others. It is the US who is the primary source of nuclear threat and strategic risks in the world." 

      Has anybody else ever wondered why every other country except the US has spokeswomen who actually look female? They all sound more intelligent too. It's also a shame to us that the state-run Chinese Media seems to be the only ones pointing out the blatant collusion between the Military-Industrial Complex, Big Tech, High Finance, and our Uniparty. Even the Controlled Opposition Media laughably keeps trying to perpetuate the hoax that the Biden/Harris/Walz Junta is in league with the Chinese Communist Party. 

     Given the pathetic state of the US Military, some may wonder why the Deep State is gearing up for war when it's obvious that we're no condition to fight anybody. The answer, I believe, is that it is a smokescreen. What the Deep State really wants is the existential threat---to keep Americans and their colonial outposts in Europe and Asia in a state of fear justifying militarization. The Great Reset's agenda naturally requires intensive 'security measures' and an international military which can be deployed in case the great unwashed start demanding their Rights. It's widely suspected that this happened already in Canada, has been happening in Europe, and has without doubt happening in Ukraine, Palestine, and Syria. 

     Unfortunately, all of this likely will be swept under the rug and no questions asked all the way to November. Meanwhile, the trolling, finger-pointing, and marketing slogans will dominate the 'news' cycles eagerly consumed along with drugs and cholesterol by the effete American public who will run with whatever the Madison Avenue-manufactured publicity campaigns say they should.  




Monday, August 19, 2024


     For whatever it's worth, the DNC is holding its national convention this week: where they will trot out their Deep State actors to warn us all about the dangers from the Deep State actors in the RNC. Why Americans continue to tolerate this nonsense is a sad commentary on the state to which our nation has sunk. The only real issues in this election whether to keep the Status Quo or change the management team---which will also keep the Status Quo but redistribute the favors somewhat. The Media makes a big spectacle out of all of this, keeping us all divided as if either one of these two organizations cared one way or the other about anything other than vested interests. Keyboard Warriors talk about Civil War 2.0, when American Revolution 2.0 is what we really need.

    That latter option, though, would involve things like taking risks, self-sacrifice, and a belief in the fundamental dignity of Man---all ideas largely foreign to the Postmodern American's way of thinking. As a culture, we have cultivated contempt for the past and have no sense of the future, thus our political situation focuses on the here and now and really amounts to little more than popularity contests punctuated by sensationalist celebrity-style gossip. 

    Like the RNC circus in July, the DNC will try to sell itself as the Party of us little people while the billionaire donors who've funded the whole spectacle smile approvingly in the background. Forbes magazine reported that since the Color Revolution began with the Scamdemic in March 2020 throughout the Biden/Harris Junta's term in 2024, the number of billionaires in the US has risen from 614 to 737 and their combined control over the national wealth has increased by 88%. They currently control about 5.5 trillion dollars in assets, or about 15% of our entire GDP. During the last four years, these same Plutocrats have extended their tentacles further into every aspect of American life, while this whole electoral farce has operated as a convenient distraction. 

    MSNBC, one of the Deep State's mouthpieces, reported last week that Kamala's team of economic advisors is headed by Deanne Millision, a lobbyist for the automotive industry, along with Brian Deese and Mike Pyle---both operatives of WEF Strategic Partner BlackRock. 

    In case any True Believers hope that a Red Wave will change matters, RINO Republican and WEF partner Michael Bloomberg's media oultet reported that Trump (or whoever is making his decisions) has narrowed down the two top picks for Treasury Secretary. One is John Paulsen, who made his fortune by insider-trading during the Bush Bank Bailouts and bankrupting retailers while escaping with a golden parachute. The other is Scott Bessant, the former CIO of Soros Fund Management

     The Oligarchs have set the next decade as the one where the Great Reset will be implemented fully, hence it is vitally important to them to keep the Uniparty in line. It's noteworthy that both the Republicans and Democrats have this year made certain to pass multiple pieces of legislation expanding domestic espionage, suppressing dissent, and purging disloyal elements from key positions. The ultimate goal of these actions, combined with the massive wealth-transfers, is the creation of a permanent underclass in the United States and an untouchable Techno-Fascist ruling Elite. 

     Whatever pandering to the people that the Democrats engage in this week, the interests of the Plutocracy will be protected at all costs. The Democrats might propose softening the blows somewhat with proposals like debt forgiveness and price controls, but none of it reaches the root of the problem. Despite all of the propaganda, the United States is currently a de facto Dictatorship, and we really have to focus on how we deal with that. 

Saturday, August 17, 2024


      With 2024's aggressively Woke Republican Party spending the week hypocritically attacking Cackling Kamala and Tampon Tim for their Rainbow Agendas, the Massachusetts GOP unanimously passed a new Bill radically defining the definition of what legally constitutes parentage. The Controlled Opposition Media did run a story on the Bill---which was written by homo activists and promoted by the Lesbian Governor---although they prudently left out the part about Republican complicity in its passage. 

     Not content with joining hands with the Whacko Left to turn childbirth into a market-driven commodity, the State GOP crowned all of their crimes by co-sponsoring this legislation which, among other things, employs gender-neutral language, obliterates any legal standing of biological fatherhood, and allows for more than two people to be considered 'parents.' Republican Senator Bruce Tarr, who co-sponsored the Bill, boasted that it would “ensure that families formed through adoption and surrogacy have legal mothers and fathers,” although after this year's Politically-Correct Republican Convention, it's doubtful that Tarr was referring to traditional families. 


      I suppose that we should expect this from a Party whose presidential nominee hosts homo fund-raisers and 'marriages' at his home; and one whose vice-president was hand-picked by a WEF Young Global Leader and Log Cabin Republican. We've yet to hear anyone explain how this makes our side any better than the Democrats; except that "Oh, we'll leave social issues up to the States."

    Sure: we see how well that worked in Massachusetts. In reality, the Republican leadership is simply shifting responsibility for standing for social issues onto the States exactly like they did with the Supreme Court for decades. When faced with criticism for their shameful inactivity on social issues, Conservatism, Inc. would shrug it off and say that it was a matter for the Courts. Now that the Courts are finally taking action, the same fake Conservatives shrug it off and say that it's up to State Legislatures. Meanwhile, our culture continues to rot from within while the Political Class can pose as defenders of traditional values. 

    In countries better governed than ours, national lawmakers understand that the family is the foundation of civilization and take prudent steps to protect it in the national interests. Throughout the rest of the civilized world, legislators are taking responsibility in defiance of the Homo Lobby's massive financial resources and political clout. The notion of homo 'equality' is based wholly on Pseudoscience and has long been known to be destructive of every culture where it was accepted as normative.

    We had the same kinds of laws in our country once. Realizing that their lifestyle and ideology stood upon no scientific basis whatsoever, the activists promoting the 'New Normal' reflexively framed the public discourse into a moral or theological debate. Bribed academics have employed Cancel Culture and aggressive purging of the medical and psychological associations not only to stifle any serious debate on the issue, but to bury systematically decades of research contradicting their agendas. The recent suppression of pro-Palestinian protesters and purges of university presidents ought to show us all how wholly owned by billionaire donors and Corporate Deep State actors Academia really is, and how little we can trust their expert opinions on much of anything. 

   Likewise with our so-called 'political parties.' 2024, with the candidates' blatantly chasing billionaire donors and celebrity endorsements, has made the reality of a Uniparty slavishly dependent upon the arbitrary wills of a handful of Corporate Overlords too transparent to be ignored any longer. Both 'parties' have thrown their Base under the bus and are obviously merely dancing to the tune of where the money---not the votes---comes from.

   During the French Revolution, the perverted mind of the Marquis de Sade envisioned a future world where the tyranny of the majority and the ruthless enthronement of Mammon as the national deity would lead to the most intimate relations---sexuality and childbirth---reduced to the level of market-based commodities and, as a consequence, sexual anarchy would prevail. The Dark Enlightenment---which is really only the Red-Pilled variation of the Great Reset---strongly promotes transhumanism, AI-virtual sex, artificial wombs, etc. (Elon Musk's children, incidentally were conceived in a laboratory). Like the ideologues behind the Great Reset, the New Right despises normal women and envisions a utopia where the Alphas indulge---like they do among apes---in unrestrained indulgence of their sexual appetites.

      It shouldn't be surprising that both factions are admirers of the Middle Ages and think that Feudalism was the perfect system. Anyone who's read the Decameron Nights or the Divine Comedy, or much other period literature can't help but see that the Elites of that day were the most disgusting degenerates. The Third Reich---another Techno-fascist social experiment---also counted numerous perverts among its manly Alpha Leadership. It's no accident nor prudish morality that all major religions conceive of demons as sexless or purveyors of unnatural affections. Unaccountable power that knows no responsibility to God or Man has no limits to the degree it exploits others for personal self-gratification. 

    As the recent events in Massachusetts show, standing on State Sovereignty is not a panacea replacing a national program. In our own history, that experiment failed with the slavery issue. A nation can't exist realistically when localities can opt out of the culture with impunity. Unfortunately, the powerful Elite is moving in an anti-cultural direction as a new national policy---and unless we start taking a stand for our national values we will descend into that kind of primitive barbarism. 

Thursday, August 15, 2024


       After three weeks of mudslinging and media hero-worship of Elon Musk failed to reverse the woke Republican Party's sinking electoral fortunes, the RNC bosses have shifted strategy to playing the Race Card again. This morning, the punditocracy was gloating with delight after forcing the resignation of another university president. The president of Columbia University stepped down after a long harassment campaign for not showing sufficient loyalty to the Zionist cause. Shadow presidential nominee J.D. Vance took to social media to screech that he "categorically stood against anti-Semitism," while the figurehead Republican leader recently accused Kamala Harris of the same, despite the rather paradoxical fact that she is married to a lawyer for the Zionist Lobby. This new approach doesn't seem to be gaining any traction either, even the official news organ of the Netanyahu Regime didn't seem especially impressed

      These events follow a week which saw Party operatives---who don't believe in Cancel Culture---intimidating the Heritage Foundation, as well as social media influencers Kyle Rittenhouse and Joe Rogan. On Tuesday, the RNC called on Party Loyalists in Minnesota to vote in the Congressional Open Primary as Democrats in a bid to unseat racist anti-Semite Congresswoman Ilhan Omar---another sleazy tactic which is only bad when Democrats do it. Omar won anyway; apparently alienating the Party's base isn't an effective way of generating activism of any kind.

      AIPAC, the Israeli Government's extension in the United States, poured money and propaganda into a campaign to defeat Omar. The GOP Punditocracy---which never tires of making claims that China (and now apparently Iran) are usurping our Democracy---doesn't say a peep about Israeli interference in US Elections despite the last attempt being made against Republican Congressman Thomas Massie. Incumbent Democrats Jamaal Bowman and Corey Bush weren't so fortunate. AIPAC has been caught twice overtly bribing candidates in the Michigan Senate Race and even American citizens have been threatened by Foreign Agents on Musk's social media site.

      As if this wasn't hypocrisy enough, one only has to note the number of dual US-Israeli citizens among the Top Ten Percent funding the Republican Campaign and balance that against the Campaign Propaganda accusing the Democrats of encouraging illegal immigration to inflate their vote totals. Whatever one thinks of Immigration Policy, it can't be argued that these Double Standards are doing much to help the 'Conservative' cause; and smearing anyone who points this out as an anti-Semite (or otherwise playing the Race Card) isn't helping either. 

    The Republican Party Leadership is once again falling victim to its own arrogance and hubris. Surrounded by hired flatterers and reinforced by sycophants in their media echo-chambers, they seriously imagine that the average American admires their Alpha posturing and cunning ability to game the system. Most Americans see them for what they really are: a lot of bullies and cheats who really represent everything that is wrong with American leadership. It's not that Americans believe that Kamala Harris and Tim Walz necessarily are better qualified: it's that the Democrats don't openly come across as despising them as inferiors. The entitled frat-boys we knew in college; the cynical corporate CEO; the pompous and self-righteous Megachurch pastor: these are the images which come to mind when one thinks of Republican leadership. 

   There is such a sad difference between the Trump Campaign of 2016 and 2024. In 2016, Trump won because he listened to the people, heard their concerns and tried to take action. That same crowd, though, failed him in 2020, so in many ways, the return to Bush-Era hubris is a product of our own making. After the inevitable defeat in November, American Conservatives are going to have to engage in some serious soul-searching about where our values actually lie. 


Tuesday, August 13, 2024


      Elon Musk, CEO of X, Tesla, SpaceX, and the de facto CEO of the Republican Party, staged an interview last night with President-in-Exile Trump who is the figurehead candidate of the consortium of financial interests whom Musk also leads. As we might have expected, there was a lot of hype, but nothing of any actual substance beyond "the Democrats suck," and "trust us and we'll fix everything." Musk did float the idea of setting up a new bureaucracy (with himself as head) to oversee Government spending. 

   "Musk has called on Trump to set up a 'government efficiency commission' to ensure that taxpayer money is better spent, offering to help out with such a commission. Trump replied that Musk would be ideal for such a role." Certainly: what could go wrong with putting a government contractor in charge of policing spending? Just a suggestion, but maybe demanding that the federal agencies and congressional committees who already are supposed to be doing this actually start doing something might be a better solution.

   Trump also vaguely suggested closing down the Department of Education "and leaving it up to the States" whatever that means. The last Republican President who promised this gave us all the disastrous No Child Left Behind boondoggle and it seems somewhat doubtful that any further lack of oversight will stop criminal NGOs from plunging their tentacles even further into public education than they already do. Again, maybe demanding that the Department of Education do its job might be a better policy.

   The interview was delayed briefly by some sort of mysterious cyber-attack; both the Controlled Opposition and Mainstream Media seem uninterested in noting that the attack was launched simultaneously from NATO countries

   "XLab, one of the largest cyber-security companies in China, said that using its large-scale threat perception system promptly, it detected the recent attack targeting the X platform. Gong Yiming, head of the laboratory, said they observed that four Mirai botnet controllers were involved in this attack. Additionally, other attack groups also participated using reflection attacks, HTTP proxy attacks, and other methods. Monitoring data indicates that the four botnet controllers launched at least 34 waves of DDoS attacks. The four command servers were primarily located in the UK, Germany and Canada. The attack period coincides with the delay in the interview start time."

   Given the New Right's propensity for Publicity Stunts, I have my own suspicions about the origins of this incident; and it did seem to be corrected with remarkable speed considering all of the recent cost-cutting layoffs in Musk's far-flung financial empire. Despite all of this, the Punditocracy engaged in deep analysis of the interview and focused on the weighty issues of profound concern to all Americans with insightful well-reasoned discourse:

     In our last two articles, we've discussed how the 'New Right' in America---which is seemingly a loose confederation of disparate ideologies---is actually following an eclectic strain of Social Darwinism, Politico-Economic Determinism, Egoist Ethics, and New-Age Spiritual Gnosticism. The point where all of these ideologies connect is upon the central theme, which is expressed in the otherwise vacuousness of their central message. 

    This Central Message of the New Right turns on a variation of an age-old theme of an eternal struggle between the Children of Light and the Children of Darkness. In this New-Age version of the conflict, a debased version of Natural Law is substituted for the previously equally-perverted concept of a Divine Plan. Natural Law according to a Divine Plan is, of course, a real thing; but in the New Right's version, both are derivatives of the false philosophies alluded to above. The Children of Light in this scheme are the geniuses, the Alphas, the wealthy and powerful to whom either God or Nature (depending upon whether one is a Churchian or a Materialist adherent of the New Right) has given us all this outward stamp of approval. 

    That point of agreement is how so many groups who otherwise would be in opposition to each other are wholly involved in such a movement. We see Zionists working together with Racial Supremacists, and fundamentalist Christians aligned with Transhumanists, among many other examples. This is because the Utopia which they all seek is that of a Technocratic Elite built upon the supposed 'Natural Law' where personal worth is resolved into an exchange value. 

    By extension, the Children of Darkness is a mass of humanity---probably by far the majority of humanity---and are depicted as base, envious, treacherous, (as Vox Day terms them 'Gammas') and who are motivated solely by their greed for power and a desire to tear down the strong. Thus 'social justice' is seen as the Mark of the Beast, while ruthless exploitation and abject tyranny is seen as a Holy Mission. 

    It's hardly to be argued that the American Left really isn't made up of envious mediocrities who lust after things that producers acquire. The problem in our political discourse is that we've erected two---and only two---poles and declared that one must be on one side or the other. To use George Bush's infamous phrase, "you're with us or you're with the enemy." 

   In real life, however, the distance between God and Satan is infinite and human beings fall in varying degrees closer to one than the other; but the distance in our lifetimes measured against Eternity is quite narrow. If Salvation simply rested upon joining one faction or another then the whole idea of Redemption---which is expressed differently in all major religions---would make no sense. In the Christian tradition, the Pharisees and Sadducees of Christ's day had lost completely the concept of God's willingness and ability to save. The Pharisees' modern counterparts are the Churchians who believe themselves in possession of some special grace based on their personal merit; the Sadducees have their parallels in the Technocrats of the Dark Enlightenment who believe that religious ideals are ridiculous, but a useful tool nonetheless to keep the inferior masses under control. 

   If we wish to free ourselves today, we need to follow the example of the Founding Fathers, who were told by their contemporaries that one either had believe in the Divine Right of Kings or take the alternative of Atheistic Anarchy. Our Founders stopped and thought: maybe these guys are lying and there are other ways that we can free ourselves. We're being lied to again today: the Neo-Bolshevism of the Whacko Left and the Neo-Fascism of the New Right are not our only alternatives.  

Sunday, August 11, 2024


     In our last article, we discussed how the 'New Right' is a re-packaged version of the New Left, premised largely on the mythos that what Americans really want are authoritarian leaders who favor degenerate interest groups while virtue-signalling behind Hollywood and Madison Avenue caricatures of our shared values. The results speak for themselves: the Republican wing of the Uniparty has been sinking in the polls since Kamala's coronation. In reality, what people in Western Cultures really want are governments that defend our shared values while leaving the populace in peace and freedom---as our Declaration of Independence says that Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness are inalienable Rights. In Europe---where the Right really are Conservatives, they win support and accomplish positive things, unlike their American counterparts who say one thing and do another

    As we also pointed out---despite the various labels that supporters of the New Right apply to themselves---an underlying philosophy directs the whole movement. This is evident from the recent experiences of Kyle Rittenhouse and Joe Rogan who discovered in short order that thinking for oneself has consequences. Some of us have observed too a growing phenomenon of troll armies and brigading going on whenever anyone questions the Official Counter-Narrative. 

    The fundamental philosophy behind the New Right is exemplified by the public faces operating as its spokespersons. We've mentioned people like Andrew Tate, Steve Sailer, Vox Day and others like them who sell their message to many Americans who have been alienated and marginalized by the extremism and fanaticism of the Left. What they actually offer, though, is the same thing that the Left does---the only difference being that they promise to alienate and marginalize other groups while wielding unaccountable power themselves. They make an especial fetish out of the idealization of success (as they superficially define it) and above all, the glorification of power. 

    Not surprisingly, a philosophy like this elevates Narcissism and unrestrained selfishness into part of their Moral Code. One of the New Right's slogans is Facts Don't Care About Your Feelings; the implication here being that the Alpha Leader is one who makes tough, reality-based decisions because it is the right thing to do. The idea has gained a lot of support because---like much of their philosophy---it contains a grain of truth. The Left over the last few decades has made a fetish of their own about Virtue-Signalling and phony 'compassion' as well as engaging in hypersensitive, almost infantile, social policing over anything and everything anyone might conceive of as offensive. 

   However, the New Right has quite a loaded definition of what 'facts' and 'feelings' actually are. Facts, as they define them, are rooted in ideals of Social Darwinism and Evolutionary Psychology; i.e. that the will of the strongest is what constitutes Reality. Their definition of feelings encompasses actual virtues with emotional components like love, empathy, compassion, mercy, proportional justice, fair play and many other things that have actual moral justification. The Alpha archetype that their converts are taught to become isn't such a glorious figure which it reaches its final fruition: but that is carefully kept out of sight.

     Disillusioned and alienated men see the ostentatious lifestyles of these influencers, the personality cults around 'based' politicians, and the fat bank accounts of Corporate Robber Barons and think, "I'd like to be like that." Being rich, popular, and having a large female fan-base is certainly not a bad thing on its own and a lot of us wish we had those things and it's perfectly normal to desire them. It's a well-established fact that part of Masculine Psychology is a striving for significance and the respect of his fellow-men. However, the New Right uses this tendency in men as a weaponized form of propaganda---much in the same way that advertisers sell brands of cologne, cars, etc. 

    The component of Masculine Psychology that one abandons by taking the Red Pill, however, are the positive coefficients of the tendencies listed above. Nature has implanted in men a striving for significance not for the purpose of self-aggrandizement, but for the purpose of being better providers for a family and being defenders of the community. In other words, the principle implies strength through service. In the Old Testament story of the Garden of Eden the first commandment given to Adam was to "maintain the Garden and defend it." The Churchian acceptance of the New Right's perversions of masculinity are derived from neo-Gnostic philosophies rooted in Mediaeval superstitions just as the secular component comes from neo-Scientism

   Where the targeted audience of these propagandists err is confounding their natural desire to be like the Alphas without understanding that the system is rigged so that one actually has to be what these Alphas really are. The higher one rises in their status-driven hierarchies is in inverse proportion to the deterioration of their characters---which is logical when one's ethical code boils down to the hypocrisy of professing virtue while practicing vice. The resulting personal instability which characterizes nearly everyone who---both currently and historically---put this theory into practice exhibits is a exemplary lesson of where these ideals lead. The rapacity of their own lust for status which knows no accountability to God or Man invariably drives such people on to the most amoral ruthlessness. Historically, the Third Reich with its 'Fuehrer Principle' was the reductio ad absurdum of this philosophy in policy. The 'Alpha Leaders' were driven to commit the most hideous crimes against humanity to please the whims ultimately embedded in the twisted mind of a single madman. It's hardly surprising that so many Neo-Nazis are drawn into the New Right.

       On a more interpersonal level, consider that to be like a character like Andrew Tate means having the ethics of a pimp in relation to women, the ethics of a slave-master in relation to those considered 'inferior' and a willingness to exploit and fleece innocent men seeking status in the world for personal gain. That's the price that Tate and people like him pay for being an 'Alpha.' In the broader political sense, to be an actual power-player in the economic or political hierarchy one has to be willing to firebomb school buildings or drive women and children into rivers to drown or to bankrupt entire communities to have all of these fat bank accounts and high poll numbers. It seems like a high price to pay for being based and Red-Pilled.

     This is why it is essential for the propagandists of the New Right to focus on the superficial elements and power while keeping the seamier side of the Alpha Lifestyle prudently out of sight. This dovetails into the whole strategy of the Republican Campaign this year: focus on the extremism of the Left without explaining exactly what they intend to do once they achieve power. That's what we need to be thinking about if we really intend to Make America Great Again. 




Thursday, August 8, 2024


       The main news this week is, of course, that Biden's hand-picked successor leading the transition to the Great Reset has chosen (or had chosen for her) a running-mate. The Controlled Opposition Media was right on top of things: christening the new duo as Cackling Kamala and Tampon Tim. It's so gratifying to see that the Conservative Movement is following in the footsteps of William F. Buckley and winning in Marketplace of Ideas with elevated discourse and well-reasoned positions. 

    As a side note, Tim Walz actually does have a few minor issues in his past; e.g. being a thuggish tyrant throughout the whole Scamdemic, instigating the BLM riots, rigging the Kangaroo Court that framed Derrick Chauvin and three other policemen as scapegoats for George Floyd's death, and pushing an abortion law that is by definition infanticide. However, the Republicans discreetly are choosing not to bring up these peccadilloes and many other crimes that Walz is guilty of committing---since that would put them in the awkward position of having to defend their own Party's complicity in all of them. 

     President Trump seems to be slowly coming to the realization that he's really only a figurehead and he seems to be running out of steam judging by his recent social media posts; but this week, Trump really hit the bottom of the barrel, doing an interview on Adin Ross' podcast. For those unfamiliar with Adin Ross, he is a Manosphere vlogger and probably the most abject sycophant of Andrew Tate.  Depressingly, Trump claimed that the younger men in his family were fans of Tate and Ross. 😔

    The above video clip can't help but convey the state of the Trump Campaign; we'll leave the readers to their own impressions on that. What's far more troubling is that these types of punks are growing increasingly influential on the New Right. In 2016, under the neologism of the Alternative Right, a loose collection of Manosphere activists and other unsavory characters tried (unsuccessfully) to shoehorn themselves into the MAGA Movement. A little-known fact is that this group did win several converts among Silicon Valley Technofascists and Megachurch fanatics whom since 2020 have pumped money into Public Relations and political donations to beef up their presence and polish their image. J.D. Vance, Vivek Ramaswamy, and Elon Musk are three high-level examples of the foothold they've gained.

    The ideology promoted by Tate and Ross---and really they are the celebrity 'influencers' of a deeper philosophical strain---is an admixture of 19th Century Social Darwinism, 20th Century Evolutionary Psychology, and a revival of Ancient Gnosticism camouflaged with 21st Century Techno-Utopianism. It is characterized by contempt for democracy, contempt for women, and complete amorality in the pursuit of personal power. Power is what disciples of these theories hold to be the highest good of the individual man, although only a select few are destined to obtain it.

   To believe this theory one would have to believe that millions of years of Evolution---from lemurs to apes to Mankind---reaches its final state of perfection in Andrew Tate, or Vox Day, or Rollo Tomassi. It likewise requires one to believe that Elon Musk, or Peter Theil, or Vivek Ramaswamy---by virtue of their fat bank accounts--- are the final culminations of virtue and wisdom from the Ancient Greeks to the present day. Finally, through various secret revelations known only to initiates who've taken the Red Pill, a select few of now-alienated young men can rise to the status of such characters and be part of the New Order. Anyone outside of this chosen people are written off as envious losers, 'gammas' and really only fit, at best, to be used as chattel for the Supermen. The old Masters of Mankind once pretended to derive their authority from the Gods, the New Breed is content to derive it from monkeys. 

   Now there is no shortage of wits in the Punditocracy who believe that monkey-men are exactly what we need. Make no mistake about this: anybody who has read any of the scholarly studies of the last century on the social and sexual organization of primate communities can see at a glance that all of this nonsense promoted by the likes of Andrew Tate is based on no higher civilized level than that of the ape. We can also see at a glance that this becomes a positive danger to Civilization when it translates into social policy.

   What is the appeal of the New Right? True, a number of Americans today are alienated from a system that no longer functions for the benefit of any but the few. However, it would seem paradoxical that an ideology proposing the rule of the few should gain any credence with so many. Part of the problem lies in that much of what the New Right advocates or opposes has enough of a grain of truth to give it plausibility. The Whacko Left has marginalized ideals like faith, family, liberty, and traditions so that the superficial appeal posing as an alternative draws people into the New Right's web of lies. However, when one digs very far below the surface, what we see is all of the negative stereotypes and caricatures of Conservatives elevated into a Standard of Value. 

   The examples of this are numerous. Feminists portray traditional families as evil patriarchies dominated by brutal unaccountable fathers---the New Right holds this up as an ideal household arrangement. Socialists portray all businessmen as greedy exploitative swine---the New Right tells us that is an attitude that successful men must emulate. If the Left tells us that masculinity is toxic and abusive towards women, then men must embrace such tactics and employ them enthusiastically. The Left lampoons Conservatives as moral hypocrites, so the New Right tells us that being a hypocrite is only being a smart operator who knows how to game the system. So on and so forth. The worst part of it is that criticizing any of these positions gets one accused of 'siding with the Left,' as if these were the only two alternatives.

   The 'New Right;' the 'Alt-Right;' the 'Dark Enlightenment;' the RedPills; Christian Nationalists---whatever these people call themselves, they are not Conservatives. They are the Reactionary Left in reality, and we need to repudiate them as foes of free men, not embrace them as allies.