Saturday, August 18, 2018


      Dalrock is a Game/Red Pill blogger who purports to promote 'real' Christianity---mostly by discouraging men from visiting church and by attacking other Christian writers. This is especially true where female Christian writers are concerned. Dalrock and the fanatics who follow him hold to a radical view that women have no spiritual position in the church. 

      In an August 13th article titled Mama Ain't Happy, Dalrock helped incite a troll attack against Sheila Gregoire and her daughter, vlogger Katie Emmerson. These two women were responding to a widely-circulated article by Lori Alexander which suggested that Christian women should live up to man's standards rather than God's. The venom poured upon them by outraged Red Pills led them to speak out about maltreatment by these men; which in turn caused Dalrock and his sans-culottes to double-down with even more abuse.

      Dalrock posits his whole theory of 'biblical headship' on a mangling of about a half-dozen verses from the Epistles of Sts. Peter and Paul. It's noteworthy that he ignores the 2nd Epistle of St. John---which is clearly written to an Abbess. The Acts of the Apostles mention a similar assembly maintained by the daughters of St. Philip. He also ignores several much more clear passages illustrating that his position is wildly wrong.  

      The Gospel of St. Luke speaks of Anna, the prophetess, who visited the Infant Christ and "she gave thanks to God and prophesied about the Child to all who anticipated the redemption of Israel." (ii:38). 

      The Old Testament Prophet Joel states that: "And I will pour out my Spirit upon all people; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy...Even upon all my servants, men and women alike, I will pour out my Spirit in those days." (ii:28-29)

      As for women teaching even men, Judges ch.iv and II Kings ch.xxii depict the Jewish leaders seeking spiritual leadership from the prophetesses Deborah and Huldah. In the famous 31st Chapter of Proverbs, we are informed that "These are the words of King Lemuel; in an oracle taught him by his mother." (xxxi:1).

      The Bible in itself contains hymns and psalms from Miriam, Deborah, Hannah, Elizabeth, and Mary. 

       Katie Emmerson and Sheila Gregoire state that God forgives women who've sinned and Dalrock pours ridicule upon the idea. But the Gospel of St. Matthew doesn't. It lists four women in the genealogy of Christ: Tamara, Rahab, Ruth, and Bathsheba. All of these women had some very dark pasts, but all are called women of faith.

       The two most aggressive parties in the troll attack are Rollo Tomassi and The Red-Pilled Constantine, both of whom are notorious for this kind of behavior. Their arguments are absurd to say the least. Tomassi says:

      "MeToo will be the end of evangelical 'Christianity'. Women assuming headship and authority over the church is just a formality now. It has become openly hostile towards anything conventionally masculine, which is why men will continue to leave the church. It's by women, for women."

      Oh? So did Pope Francis start ordaining women and nobody told us? The church is not and never has been exclusively for one gender or the other. True, there is a division of duties in the Church; as St. Paul tells us, but each gender contributes its unique strengths. If men are leaving the church, it's because they are being encouraged to do so by apostates like Dalrock and Tomassi.   

      Here are TRP Constantine's words of wisdom: "To Sheila and the feminists here, this is where your journey ends; when you can't tell if the pastor is Lutheran or Wicca and religion is clitoris worship. Enjoy the ride, you pay at the last stop, where there will be Hell to pay!" And to think some people actually accuse the Red Pills of being angry and hateful...

      It should be pointed out that the Red Pill is much closer to feminism than Sheila Gregoire is; and that the 'Christian' bloggers in the movement are usually indistinguishable from Gnostic and other heresies. And the phallic worship on these sites is quite blatant. 

      There never was a time when the Church was free from sin; because humanity has never been free from it. Thus, there never was some Golden Age, from Eden onward, that these cults can bring us back to. The illusion that there was is responsible for the success of many such groups. But those who embrace reality embrace the True Faith. 

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