So, this weekend while Americans nationwide were doing their part to buoy our sagging economy by setting sales records at legal Marijuana dispensaries, our new 'Woke' Republican Party was doing its part as well. Mar-a-Lago was again the scene of another gala billionaires bash---this time featuring wealthy homo 'equality' activists. The US Congress was unusually busy too: House Speaker Mike Johnson and Senate Leader Mitch McConnell were shaking hands and cutting deals with Hakeem Jefferies and Chuck Schumer to subsidize Wall Street's growing hegemony against our so-called 'enemies' and to expand the Police/Surveillance State.
As an interesting side-note, Russia---the main target of all of this---has actually spent less on its entire defense budget during the last two years than the US and NATO has on Ukraine alone and Russia is still winning. The Russians---despite American Media propaganda---haven't been on the verge of collapse through all of this: they still maintain an Expeditionary Force in Syria, conduct joint military drills with friendly nations and have even signed some new defense pacts with several countries. The purpose of Russia's invasion of Ukraine was to secure its borders and to protect Russian citizens---something our Congress didn't bother to address for our country. Russia also has been investing heavily in internal infrastructure (a problem here which our Congress also ignored) with the help of China---another of the new Axis of Evil whom we're working overtime to 'contain.' Even though the smart boys in the RNC insist that "we can't win on social issues" Russia has suppressed the Homo 'Equality' movement, has a strong anti-drug policy, and there is currently legislation aiming to restrict---if not outright ban---legal abortion in Russia. President Putin, who supports all of these initiatives, was re-elected in March with 88% of the popular vote.
The American Left, too, isn't happy with this state of affairs. After decades of Democrat virtue-signalling about world peace---and especially emphasizing Standing with Palestine' even the hardcore Marxists have become wholly exasperated with the Left's volte-face. Not only have Congressional Democrats---including the so-called 'Squad'---been shoveling as much cash as possible into the hands of the Military-Industrial Complex, Democrat Governors and the supposedly Leftist titans of Academia have been carrying out a series of suppressive acts against pro-Palestinian demonstrators at levels not seen since the Vietnam War. Strangely enough, groups like Antifa have been unusually quiet during these demonstrations. Antifa, and groups like them are heavily funded by the same Oligarchs who support the militarization and regimentation agendas of the Great Reset, so we're not likely to see any fake Summers of Love or 'Chaz Zones' any time soon.
That hasn't stopped the fake Conservatives---who only a few months ago were howling about Cancel Culture and woke university administrations singling out Conservative activists---from complaining that protest suppression isn't draconian enough. Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton---who has stuffed his own pockets with lots of both Ukrainian Neo-Nazi and Zionist Cult lobbying cash---stated on Elon Musk's mouthpiece recently that protesters should be thrown off bridges and flayed alive. Cotton not only comes across as a psychopath every time he opens his mouth, he's teamed up with fellow Zionist shill Tom Hawley to call for the Biden/Harris Junta to deploy stormtroopers our brave xhes in uniform to American universities to crush protests.
“The nascent pogroms at Columbia have to stop TODAY, before our Jewish brethren sit for Passover Seder tonight! If Eric Adams won’t send the NYPD and Kathy Hochul won’t send the National Guard, Joe Biden has a duty to take charge and break up these mobs!” Cotton shrieked. “Eisenhower sent the 101st to Little Rock! It’s time for Biden to call out the National Guard at our universities to protect Jewish Americans!” Hawley chimed in, neglecting to mention that Eisenhower's actions were in defense of Constitutional Rights---not to curtail them.
Ah...shades of Tienanmen Trudeau and the Canadian Truckers---how Conservative can we get these days? Legal Abortion, homo 'equality,' and Cancel Culture, and subservience to the Corporate Deep State---what's next for the Republicans?
To answer that question, Lanny Davis---a scummy lawyer and Beltway lobbyist who served both the Clinton and Bush families dutifully between big stints for Wall Street and Government Contractors---has penned an article at the Neocon outlet Real Clear Politics which is making the rounds among the Controlled Opposition's Media outlets. Davis advocates outright for a Uniparty headed by the Biden/Harris Junta.
"Now it’s time for him {Biden} to make U.S. history by announcing, prior to the Democratic Party nominating convention, that he will name a bipartisan Cabinet and policy advisers and work with congressional Republican conservative leaders as well as progressive Democrats to find common ground on the issues Americans care about most, starting with border security, inflation, criminal justice, climate change, and support for democracy and the rule of law." Davis opines. "Those who voted for Nikki Haley {WEF Young Global Leader} or preferred other non-Trump candidates in the early GOP primaries would give President Biden another look if he were able to show them that he represents a dramatic break from the hyper-partisanship of our times.As many of these conservative anti-Trump Republicans and independents tell me in my travels, despite their serious concerns about Trump’s anti-democratic views and support for Vladmir Putin and other autocrats, they won’t vote for Biden’s reelection because they consider him to ideologically liberal and, worse, too partisan.”
So there we are. Both parties need to throw their respective bases under the bus and rally behind a strongman who represents the interests of the Deep State. The Left has already been doing that for a long time: now, Davis argues, it's time for Republicans to follow suit---which they also appear to be doing already to a great extent.
If anybody hasn't seen where this is all leading before, it's impossible that they don't see it now. Since 2021, we have stated clearly here that the short-term objective of the ruling class was the establishment of a One-Party State. How much more do the Elites have to do or say to make this more obvious? This weekend marked a turning-point on their Long March to bring about this goal. Let's not forget what John Kerry said shortly before Biden/Harris seized power: “And yes, the Great Reset will happen...and I think it will happen with greater speed and with greater intensity than a lot of people might imagine.” Unfortunately though, the imaginations of most Americans will probably continue on in drugs and distraction.